1.[gedaagde 1] ,
1.De procedure
2.De feiten
(…) as discussed, we intend to reduce the amount of data shopped to feed the Performance overview tool due to extremely poor usage, which we intend to do so in 2 phases (…)”
25.3 The power of the Arbitral Tribunal under Article 25.1 shall not prejudice howsoever any party’s right to apply to any court or other judicial authority for interim or conservatory measures before the Formation of the Arbitral Tribunal, and, in appropriate cases, even thereafter. However, the parties agree to apply to any court or judicial authority for such measures only if or to the extent that the Arbitral Tribunal has no power or is unable for the time being to act effectively. (…)”
from SecretEscapes. During the sales cycle when SecretEscapes asked us for a trial, we submitted an agreement with our POC clause. [naam 11] told us that he was surprised to see our POC clause, as his agreement with Fornova also included a very similar POC clause. [naam 11] later confirmed to [naam 10] on the call that his contact at Fornova is [gedaagde 1].”
As discussed with you we received a letter on behalf of RateGain stating you had sent/shared a sample of our Fornova’s draft/final agreement with them. As you mentioned that it’s a false statement that they made. I just wanted to request your re-confirmation of the same.”
Not to my knowledge – I did an extensive dig through my inbox when this first came up (in December?) to be sure nothing was sent accidentally and couldn’t find anything”
The allegations leveled in first information report are not found proved. The allegations levelled against opposite party are false, therefore report is submitted and investigation is being finished.”
3.Het geschil
4.De beoordeling
any dispute, controversy or claim arising out or relating to this Agreement or the performance thereof (…)” zal worden beslecht door arbitrage in New Delhi. De ruime formulering van dit artikel omvat ook het onderhavige geschil voor zover het vorderingen tegen [gedaagde 1] betreft die zijn gebaseerd op de tussen partijen gesloten arbeidsovereenkomst.
legal action or proceedings to enforce this Agreement’. In artikel 12.5 wordt dienaangaande bepaald dat de bevoegde rechter in New Delhi exclusief bevoegd is.
shall not prejudice howsoever any party’s right to apply to any court or other judicial authority for interim or conservatory measures’. RateGain zal hierin niet worden gevolgd. Niet valt in te zien op grond waarvan de inhoud van deze arbitrageregels – nog daargelaten dat deze stammen uit 2016, dus na het aangaan van de arbeidsovereenkomst – dient te prevaleren boven een overeengekomen forumbeding.