Powerstrom Inc. has its legal seat in Yorklyn, Delaware, USA. In the Netherlands the Company has an office at Joop Geesinkwweg 999 in Amsterdam.(…) “
Powerstorm In Europehet adres in Amsterdam. Tevens vermeldt de web-site dat Powerstorm is “
Based in Amsterdam, with offices in Los Angeles and Bucharest and repair centers around the world”(…) Our services and operational footprint span from North and South America, to Europe, the Middels East, Asia and Africa.”. Nergens op de website wordt melding gemaakt van enig ander adres.
De beslissing
POWERSTORM INCvoornoemd in staat van faillissement;
en tot curator mr. K.P. Hoogenboezem, 1070 AM Amsterdam, Postbus 75510;