beschikking van de kantonrechter
de besloten vennootschap Elephant Talk Europe Holding BV
€ 18.245,02 ingediend. Dit bedrag is tot op heden niet uitgekeerd.
As agreed by the Board yesterday, with this letter we confirm the following changes to your employment contract as of March 23rd 2016, as dicussed:
deliberately acted against the clear and express instructions of your new manager (…), in a highly sensitive situation concerning the dismissal/redundancy of certain staff.’
We refer to the letter from ET to you, dated 17 December 2015, by which we informed you that the Board had provisionally agreed to amend your employment contract on the terms described therin – effective 23 March 2016. Regrettably, in view of the extremely difficult financial circumstances that ET is experiencing, including the fact that the anticipated sale of ValidSoft has not yet taken place, we regret to inform you that the proposed amendment to your employment terms is now revoked and will no longer take effect. We consider in the circumstances that this is a reasonable measure and your contract of employment (page 5) permits ET to make such reasonable modifications.’
This letter constitutes a formal notice that your employment with Elephant Talk is terminated effective immediately. It came to the attention of the company on Monday 23 May 2016 that you had deleted large volumes of sensitive company data and intellectual property from its computer systems, to which you had privileged access as a senior executive. The company’s initial forensic examination identified that you deleted at least 1,471 electronic files and 598 electronic directories from the Human Resources shared network drive, containing inter alia sensitive company financial records, human resource data, company policies and personal data. It is also clear that you have been accessing our Human Resource database, again containing personal data, without any authorized or legitimate business justification. This represents a grave breach of your labour agreement, specifically the section entitled “Intellectual and industrial property rights” as well as your overrriding duties of good faith and fidelity. Further, such action violates the company’s Code of Business Conduct, specifically the sections entitled “Protection and proper use of company assets” and “Computer and information systems” and places the company and interests in jeopardy. These acts were committed while you were on leave of absence due to illness, at a time when you therefore had no reason to be administering or even viewing such data, let alone deleting it. The company has an obligation to adhere to the most exacting standards of integrity, and in particular it must take special care when processing sensitive confidential and personal data. You have demonstrated a willingness to compromise these standards, such that we cannot in good faith accede to your continued employment with us. Accordingly, we have no alternative but to dismiss you immediately for just cause/gross misconduct, without notice or pay in lieu of notice.’
Verzoek(en) en verweer
Ontslag op staande voet
Ernstige verwijtbaarheid van ET
De gevorderde wettelijke verhoging van artikel 7:625 BW zal ook worden toegewezen, omdat ET te laat heeft betaald, waarbij de wettelijke verhoging zal worden beperkt tot 25% vanwege onder meer de onbetwist zorgelijke financiële situatie van ET.
Betalingen in april en mei 2015, declaraties en boetebeding
€ 18.245,02 aan hem verschuldigd is. De enkele opmerking ter zitting dat niet alles nog gecontroleerd kon worden, is daarvoor onvoldoende.
Voorlopige voorziening
€ 60.397,02 bruto (waarin begrepen de transitievergoeding, de billijke vergoeding en de contractuele vergoeding);