“[…] I herewith request and, where necessary, demand – without prejudice to any other rights and defences my clients may have – that you confirm to me in writing, within fourteen days of today, that the defects and the agreements not honoured, as listed in the overview prepared by my clients, shall be fully repaired or honoured, respectively, no later than 1 November 2011. If within said 14 day-term, I do not hear from you, or you reject my request, I shall advise my clients to terminate the agreements. However, my clients would regret it if you allow matters to reach that stage.”
“ […]
a. Only two layers (mother son) when CP needs to have at least four: legal entity, country, division, group.
i. DIMS show us a possible solution but we didn’t see a full version tested.
b. Consolida tion at country level has no be demonstrated especially
i. Conslodation historical scheme if the company is in SEK and the consolidation in Euros. Currency historic data to be proven.
ii. Two levels consolidation capability to be proven: one at country level, one at group level.
c. VAT: we need to see solutions that solve all Group countries specifications especially the one we gave details (the Spanish VAT specifications)
d. Fixed assets. Module still in development and did’t see the final version to be tested. Specific issue to be demonstrated: how to manage impairment test.
e. Credit module: we didn’t see any demonstration how it works.
f. Purchase vs. booking of non stock item (service)
i. Need to be able to attach a work center to a nonstock order
ii. Need to be able to specify where the cost goes to P&L (invoice to be received)
iii. Need to be able to book the cost into the P&L at consumption not when invoice is received.
g. Controlling
i. Setting a work center at the detail level (line) of a purchase order and not in the header (same for all the lines)
h. Sales: currency sales. If the final exchange rate is different from the quoted sales DIMS to show it can manage the booking.
i. Tax : booking between local gaap and group gaap to be tested.