1.De procedure
2.De feiten
the shareholders resolution to put the Company into voluntary liquidation
the shareholders resolution to appoint [verzoekers] as liquidator in connection with the liquidation of the Company (…);
the shareholders resolution to acknowledge and approve that a limited Power of Attorney is issued in order to authorize [bedrijf 2] to act on behalf of the Company with respect to handling the formalities of the liquidation procedure and that [bedrijf 2] will be indemnified for any liability in connection therewith (…).
According to the attached current statement of assets and liabilities (…) the Company has no third party creditors. In the event that the Company still has third party creditors, which are not included in the statement of assets and liabilities, the shareholders resolve that they will guarantee that damages inflicted to these third party creditors as a result of the resolution to revoke the earlier resolution to put the Company in liquidation will be remunerated.
3.Het verzoek
4.De beoordeling
de vennootschapde schade die de eventuele crediteuren door het herroepingsbesluit ondervinden zal compenseren. Deze toezegging ziet dus niet op de (externe) crediteuren die wel in de jaarstukken staan vermeld (zij het zonder naam). Bovendien wordt de toezegging niet gegeven door [verzoekers], maar door de vennootschap zelf en is het de vraag of de vennootschap na de herroeping financieel in staat zal zijn deze toezegging waar te maken.
5.De beslissing
5 juli 2012voor het verstrekken door [verzoekers] van aanvullende informatie zoals bedoeld onder 4.4,