5.19.Vervolgens is aan de orde of het bij het opvragen van informatie op grond van artikel 47 AWR gaat om onafhankelijk van de wil van de belastingplichtige bestaande gegevens of niet. Dit onderscheid werd gemaakt in het arrest van het Hof van 17 december 1996 (BNB 1997/254 Saunders). In het arrest J.B./Zwitserland (AB 2002, 343) overweegt het EHRM als volgt:
65. In the present case, when on 11 December 1987 the X District Office instituted tax-evasion proceedings against the applicant, he was requested to submit all documents concerning the companies in which he had invested money. When the applicant failed to do so, he was requested on three further occasions to declare the source of the income invested. The applicant not having reacted to these requests, a disciplinary fine of CHF 1,000 was imposed on him on 28 February 1989. After four additional admonitions, a second disciplinary fine, of CHF 2,000, was imposed on the applicant. The latter fine he eventually contested unsuccessfully before the Federal Court. Subsequently he received two further disciplinary fines.
66. Thus, it appears that the authorities were attempting to compel the applicant to submit documents which would have provided information as to his income with a view to the assessment of his taxes. Indeed, according to the Federal Court’s judgment of 7 July 1995, it was in particular important for the authorities to know whether or not the applicant had obtained any income which had not been taxed. While it is not for the Court to speculate as to what the nature of such information would have been, the applicant could not exclude that, if it transpired from these documents that he had received additional income which had not been taxed, he might be charged with the offence of tax evasion.
67. It is true that the applicant and the authorities reached an agreement on 28 November 1996 which closed various tax and criminal tax proceedings, including proceedings concerning disciplinary fines. However, the agreement expressly excluded the present application before the European Court which is directed against the judgment of the Federal Court of 7 July 1995 concerning the disciplinary fine imposed on the applicant on 29 November 1990.
68. The Court notes that in its judgment of 7 July 1995 the Federal Court referred to various provisions in criminal law obliging a person to act in a particular way so as to enable the authorities to obtain his conviction, for instance the obligation to install a tachograph in lorries, or to submit to a blood or a urine test. In the Court’s opinion, however, the present case does not involve material of this nature which, like that considered in Saunders, has an existence independent of the person concerned and is not, therefore, obtained by means of coercion and in defiance of the will of that person (see Saunders, cited above, pp. 2064-65, § 69).
De voorzieningenrechter is op grond van deze uitspraak voorshands van oordeel dat niet alleen ten aanzien van het vragen van inlichtingen, maar ook ten aanzien van het opvragen van documenten op grond van artikel 47 lid 1 AWR niet kan worden gezegd dat de voldoening aan een dergelijk verzoek onafhankelijk van de wil van de belastingplichtige is. Het gaat daarbij immers om documenten die weliswaar bestaan onafhankelijk van de wil van de belastingplichtige, maar die voor de Belastingdienst niet beschikbaar zijn en ook (behoudens door middel van huiszoeking) tegen de wil van de belastingplichtige niet kunnen worden verkregen. Dat betekent dat er een wilsbesluit van de belastingplichtige is vereist om die gegevens aan de Belastingdienst ter beschikking te stellen. Daaruit volgt dat het verbod op zelfincriminatie in volle omvang van toepassing is. Dat is te meer het geval nu de Belastingdienst ook heeft gevorderd dat de belastingplichtige desgevraagd een mondelinge toelichting zal moeten geven op de te verstrekken gegevens.