1.De procedure
Na verder debat hebben partijen verzocht vonnis te wijzen.
2.De feiten
10. Term and Termination
above, UKA agrees that if, during the Contract Period, UKA receives a third party offer UKA shall promptly communicate the details of the third party offer (…) to adidas International in writing, adidas International shall, within 30 days of communication to it of the third party offer, then be entitled to require that, instead of accepting the third party offer, UKA shall immediately enter into a contract with adidas International for the provision of UKA’s services in connection with the development, promotion and sale of Products containing the same key terms as that third party offer. (…)
Unfortunately, given the product ordering deadlines etc, we have just last week in conjunction with your team, placed the product order for the newly designed uniform for use in 2013 and 2014. That effectively means we are delivering product for a year – 2014 – which is not contracted and we already are at risk for that expense. I really would like to encourage that we rather finalise it as soon as possible.”
This Agreement and any other non-contractual obligations arising out of it shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and each Party agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.”
Any update as to the next steps in moving for our ‘handshake’ to a formal agreement? I presume it is with your legal team now, creating an Adidas template for us to agree to based upon my template and the list of specifics you felt needed tot be added?”
I will send along a few requests in the next day or two. I have a meeting with the
we have a little bit of time on our side, but I will still push to get this done ASAP”
I know we have a year to run but I thought we were both keen to finalise things ASAP so UKA don’t have to go to market in the new year? Can we aim to get it finalised before the end of January?”
Met with the Legal team yesterday afternoon. They will work out a draft and you will have something to look at towards the end of January as requested. (…)”
The result is based on our current agreement, but the rights schedule is based on their rights schedule, with some additions from our current agreement. I note the following, hopefully you can pass it on: (…)”, waarna een aantal discussiepunten volgt.
Please can you have your legal team take a look – with specific reference to [voornaam]([naam 1], vzr.)
’s notes and areas outlined in the contract – and let me have your/their input/response, so that we can finalise the contract.”
Our Legal guys are going through this but I thought I’d highlight a couple of things myself first if that’s ok?” waarna hij een aantal punten heeft genoemd met betrekking tot het soort producten dat onder de overeenkomst zou moeten vallen, zoals opslagkosten, het bekostigen van een manager van UKA, verplichtingen van atleten inzake te dragen kleding en schoeisel op het podium en een regeling over junioren. De e-mail eindigt als volgt:
Everything else is very minor and can probably be achieved lawyer to lawyer.”
UKA Comments: 27.02.13Subject to Contract”.
This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted under the laws of the Netherlands and any dispute under this Agreement shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the LCIA rules, which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The seat of arbitration shall be Amsterdam, the number of arbitrators shall be one and the language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English. adidas International however, shall at its sole discretion be entitled to sue UKA in the courts competent for UKA.”
Any news on the outstanding small points of clarification regards our contract? It would be good to get this sorted in time for me to sign off at our Board on March 27th if that works for you? (…) Speak soon I trust.”
I had a chat with[voornaam]([naam 3], vzr.)
today and he has given us the thumbs up to announce the extended partnership with Adidas and British Athletics. Would be good to get something out over the next couple of weeks (…). Can you let me know if this works for you guys and what would work best for you in regards to timings?”
UKA Comments: 27.02.13Subject to Contract” bevat)toegezonden met het nieuwe commentaar van Adidas. In de begeleidende e-mail staat het volgende:
Track changes based on your latest version. Please discuss the revisions with[voornaam][naam 3], since he has been in contact on some topics with [naam 2] from adidas. After your review, please suggest a way forward. We are open for a call if necessary a meeting. Let me know if you have any questions or remarks in the meantime!”
This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted under the laws of the Netherlands and the venue for the settlement of disputes shall be Amsterdam.”
Standard for all adidas contracts. Same as current contract.”
have spoken with adidas’ legal counsel ([voornaam][naam 1]) and we appear to have agreed all legal points on the contract. On the outstanding commercial points:
As discussed I spoke to the external counsel for UKA. There are some points that need to be discussed and agreed between you and[voornaam][naam 3]. They are:
(…) I had always thought that our current contract negotiations would lead to a renewed agreement between us.
since we have already agreed with you on the extension of the current agreement’ en gerechtelijke stappen aangekondigd.
As set out in your letter, the governing law for the Agreement is Dutch Law (clause 23 of the Agreement). Our client has taken Dutch law advice and, as a matter of Dutch law, adidas has no legal claim against UKA and no basis upon which to seek a court order requiring UKA to execute, what is thus far, merely a draft agreement.”
There is no agreement between UKA and adidas for the 2014-2017 term and adidas has no legal claim against UKA in this regard. adidas is entitled to accept a new agreement on terms equivalent to the third party offer or, alternatively, to decline to match the third party offer in which case there will be no agreement between the parties. Your client has until 22 June 2013 to respond pursuant to clause 10.3 of the Agreement.”
5. On 2 February 2013, onside law was approached by (…)[naam 3] to provide comments on a draft sponsorship agreement sent by adidas to UKA. I sent an email to Mr[naam 3] on 8 February 2013 providing my suggested revisions to the draft agreement (…). I marked the draft agreement “Subject to Contract” to make clear that the parties had not yet reached agreement and were still in the process of negotiation.
6. In producing a mark-up of the draft agreement, I was conscious that UKA had previously contracted with adidas in both 2005 and 2009. Therefore I only sought to raise material/significant issues as I believed that neither party would want to discuss small points. (…)
7. On the morning of 22 February 2013 I discussed my amendments to the draft agreement on the telephone with the Commercial Director of UKA,[naam 8]. (…)
9. On 27 February 2013, I sent an updated version of the draft agreement (…) to
7. I was involved with the previous two sponsoring agreements (…) that adidas International concluded with UKA.
8. In the negotiation of those agreements I dealt with a company called Fast Track, which acted on behalf of UKA. We would conclude the key terms of the agreement – on both occasions with Mr [naam 9] – who would following discussions with UKA – instruct me to send a Long form agreement and send signature copies of the agreement to Fast Track and they would procure a signature from UKA. The 2009 Agreement was signed by Mr.[naam 3] (…). At no stage in any of these discussions/negotiations were we ever lead to believe that what had been agreed would be vetoed by a Board of Directors. (…) The terms agreed with Mr. [naam 9] were actually the basis for the agreement which was eventually reached with Mr.[naam 3] in November 2012 (…)
12. In 2011 the negotiations on the extension of the Agreement 2009 started with Fast Track. In March 2012 we reached an agreement with Fast Track on the key terms. However, at that stage negotiations were taken over by Mr[naam 3], Chief Executive. He submitted an entirely new proposed structure which meant the negotiations had to start all over again. This of course caused considerable delay. (…)
15. I note that in no. 16 of his statement Mr.[naam 3] is referring to my e-mail of
10 May 2012in which I indicated that adidas was willing to make the expense of providing new kit for 2013 and 2014, although there was not yet an agreement. I trusted that this would be seen as a sign of confidence in our completing the agreement before the end of the year. In fact, UKA accepted this and placed orders for two years. On 30 November 2012 we agreed the key terms of the new agreement. (…)
20. On 30 November 2012 we did not discuss the template contract Mr.[naam 3] had sent attached to his e-mail of 27 November 2012. We also did not discuss bonuses for World Under 18s (…).
21. The first mention of these bonuses was in the UKA draft of 27 February 2013.(…)
22. During the entire negotiation process with Mr.[naam 3] between March 2012 and May 2013, he never mentioned that the negotiation result would be subject to the Board’s approval.(…)
28. I wish to state clearly that after the November 30, 2012 meeting I had no doubt that we would be able to sign a Long form agreement with UKA within the next few months. We had a deal on key-points.
40. As adidas values its relationship with UKA and is keen on extending the 2009 agreement, we decided after receiving the May, 23 2013 letter from UKA (…) to accept UKA’s proposals on the outstanding points mentioned in my e-mail of 22 May to Mr.[naam 3] (…) We included this and the points agreed by the lawyers on 22 April in the draft of 21 March 2013, which led to the Agreement 2014, version
5 June which we sent to UKA by letter of 5 June 2013 (…). In this letter, we stressed the fact that we already had an agreement with UKA before any offer from Nike, requesting to sign the agreement (…)”
3.Het geschil
- primair: binnen vijf werkdagen na betekening van dit vonnis de Overeenkomst 2014 (versie 5 juni 2013) na te komen, waaronder begrepen deze te ondertekenen
- subsidiair, voor zover naar het oordeel van de voorzieningenrechter nog enig punt ter onderhandeling open staat, na de vonnisdatum voortvarend en met inachtneming van de maatstaven van redelijkheid en billijkheid en met inachtneming van de reeds voor het overige bereikte overeenstemming zoals neergelegd in de Overeenkomst 2014 (versie 5 juni 2013), althans de naar het oordeel van de voorzieningenrechter bereikte overeenstemming, te goeder trouw te onderhandelen over deze openstaande punten, teneinde daarover binnen twee weken na betekening van dit vonnis overeenstemming te bereiken, alsmede:
and we appear to have agreed all legal points on the contract”. Aangenomen kan dan ook worden dat de forumkeuze geen punt van discussie meer was en niet is gesteld of gebleken is dat dit naderhand nog aan de orde is geweest. Onder deze omstandigheden kan worden aangenomen dat UKA en Adidas een rechtsgeldig forumkeuzebeding zijn overeengekomen ter zake van geschillen voortvloeiend uit de sponsorovereenkomsten – waaronder wordt begrepen een geschil over de precontractuele verhoudingen met betrekking tot de totstandkoming van een derde overeenkomst – zodat de rechter te Amsterdam bevoegd is, overeenkomstig het bepaalde in artikel 23 Verordening (EG) 44/2001 (Brussel I).
Overeenkomsten, waarvan de laatste van rechtswege eindigt op 31 december 2013.
an agreement on the key terms”was bereikt, waarna[naam 3], rond maart 2012 de onderhandelingen namens UKA overnam. Op dat moment werd feitelijk een nieuwe start gemaakt, zoals ook naar voren komt in dit statement waar [naam 2] verklaart: “
(…) at that stage negotiations were taken over by Mr.[naam 3], Chief Executive. He submitted an entirely new proposed structure which meant the negotiations had to start all over again. This of course caused considerable delay.”.Uitgangspunt is dus dat het bereiken van overeenstemming met Fast Track op ‘key terms’ het heropenen van de onderhandelingen, ook wat Adidas betreft, in ieder geval niet in de weg stond.
Can we aim to get it finalised before the end of January”). Uit de bewoordingen van die e-mails kan worden afgeleid dat partijen, hoewel de voorwaarden en hoofdlijnen van een nieuwe overeenkomst voortbordurend op de eerdere overeenkomsten al in het concept stonden, ook toen nog geen definitieve overeenstemming hadden, noch zich jegens elkaar gebonden achtten. Het gaat in de e-mails immers om een ‘draft’ (concept) contract en UKA ([naam 3]) verzoekt Adidas in de e-mail van 18 december 2013 om er vaart achter te zetten ‘
so UKA don’t have to go to the market in the new year’. Dit kan niet anders worden begrepen dan dat de optie om met derden te gaan onderhandelen - wat zoals reeds vermeld pas op 1 april 2013 op zijn vroegst zou kunnen plaatsvinden - op dat moment nog volledig openstond. De mededeling van[naam 3] op 14 december 2012 dat men op weg was naar verlenging van de samenwerking ‘
moving for our ‘handshake’ to a formal agreement’, kan dan ook niet aldus worden opgevat dat men het eigenlijk toen al eens was, zoals Adidas heeft bepleit. Wel kan daaruit worden afgeleid dat UKA tempo wilde maken bij de totstandkoming van definitieve, bindende, afspraken.