2.5.Overgelegd zijn kopieën de volgende vier schriftelijke verklaringen:
a. Een verklaring van
[erfgenaam 2]van 12 mei 2003, getekend door [erfgenaam 2], luidende:
The undersigned:
residing at [adres];
declares herewith to grant power of attorney to:
[erfgenaam 8],
residing at [adres];
to represent the undersigned with regard to the following matter:
the sale and transfer of:
a parcel of land, having an area of 839m2, situated on Saba [plaatsaanduiding], described in Certificate of Admeasurement [nummer];
with thereonstanding dwelling house;
such for the purchase price and such other conditions as agreed with
Buyer, costs of transfer and conveyance for the account of Buyer;
- to contract a real estate agent;
- to sign the related contract and deed;
- to do everything needed to have the house vacated;
- to receive the purchase price and give receipt therefore;
- to deliver the aforementioned immovable property;
- to adjust leases and charges;
- furthermore do all and everything needed in connection with the above transaction, which the undersigned would do or cause to be done, if he would be present himself.
All with the power of substitution.
b. Een verklaring van
[erfgenaam 8]van 2 juni 2006, getekend door [erfgenaam 8] en [appellante], luidende:
[erfgenaam 8] agrees that [appellante] will receive twenty percent of the amount of the purchase price of the real estate property belonging to the heirs of [erflater] located at [plaatsaanduiding], Saba.
c. Een verklaring van
[erfgenaam 1]van 29 januari 2008, getekend door [erfgenaam 1], luidende:
The undersigned , [ERFGENAAM 1], agrees with her brother [erfgenaam 8] that in the case of undersigned and her brothers against [[bewoonster]], [appellante] will be paid her fees and costs via the percentage as agreed upon with [erfgenaam 8] upon the sale of the house in Saba
d. Een verklaring van [erfgenaam 9] (hierna:
[erfgenaam 9]), de weduwe van [erfgenaam 8], van 19 juli 2018, getekend door [erfgenaam 9], luidende onder meer:
… The truth in short is: After the death of his parents [erfgenaam 10] was left in charge of the inheritance by [erfgenaam 3] and [erfgenaam 2] and [erfgenaam 1] to ensure that the house located in [plaats] Saba described in certificate of admeasurement [nummer], part of the estate of their late parents would be vacated by [[bewoonster]] and could be sold. All the brothers and sister said they had no money to pay for the lawyer and as [erfgenaam 10] knew [vader van appellante] he asked for his help and to await payment until the house would be sold. Ultimately it was agreed that [appellante] would help and await payment until the sale of the house. [erfgenaam 10] offered to sign a paper that [appellante] would get at least 20% of the sales price of the house. I am very sure [erfgenaam 1] signed for this too.
Nobody ever disagreed with the appointment of [appellante] as the attorney under this condition. Actually [erfgenaam 1] and brothers were kept informed of all the cases and developments. Once [erfgenaam 1] was asked by [appellante] to come to Court with one of the other brothers and they did so, but [erfgenaam 1] talked so much nonsense that she got [erfgenaam 10] quite upset. [erfgenaam 10] and I talked many times about how amazing [appellante] was helping us for many many years paying so many costs like court fees, travelling fees etc and never ever bothering us for money.
Our lawyer [appellante] did a lot of good work. I was always present and my late husband and I were and are very grateful to her for working so many years relentlessly on our behalf. She even succeeded in getting us some payment of rental monies. [erfgenaam 10] and she spoke about the fact that 20 % collection charges of the rental received should also be paid to the lawyer as all the work was done only by her. Unfortunately after [erfgenaam 8]s death [erfgenaam 1] started taking all the rental monies and she did not pay nor the lawyer nor me my correct part of these rental monies only a small part of the bailiff fees. [erfgenaam 1] even took all the papers with regard to the house and the cases and now she is telling blatant lies being very very ungrateful, but there is a God I strongly believe and justice will be done. …
[erfgenaam 10] was a very honest and decent person and I know he saw it as our moral duty to pay attorney [appellante] everything that she is owed. I agree fully with this and I disagree with his brothers and sister who are too ungrateful. (…).