1.Het verloop van de procedure
2.De beoordeling
No pockets are allowed in any uniform garment. Any deviation of this style of pant must have all pockets sewn up”.
“On 30th of June Ms [Geïntimeerde] had multiple procedures and policy infractions observed by surveillance. Infractions included “not cleaning hand” multiple times, paid blackjack before checking her dealer’s hand, did not cover dealer’s whole card using one hand to pay all bets. Ms [Geïntimeerde] violated her attendance polices and arrived (naar het Hof begrijpt: late) 24 times during 24 days working period (from 1st of June till 2nd of July) (..).
“This letter serves to inform you that your employment with Trimerit NV dba Diamond Casino has been terminated effective July 31, 2019. On Sunday July 28, 2019 you were found to have committed several infractions while on active duty. The CCTV footage reveals that you hustled players as they were cashing out at the cash desk from winnings at your table. You hustled both players until each player handed you cash, both times separately and you stashed same in your back pant pocket, which is strictly forbidden. You accepted tips outside of company procedure which is that all tips received should be put into the tip pan/pot, which is then divided amongst all dealers, is considered stealing from your colleagues. In addition you then went to the cash desk and exchanged guilders for dollars which is not allowed unless authorized by the Casino Manager, which in this instance was not the case. As a result your actions are found to be in conflict with the code of conduct and your employment with the company has been terminated (..)”.
“never cash out a tip without prior permission from a Pit Boss or Manager”.[Geïntimeerde] stelt zich op het standpunt dat zij toestemming had van Pit Boss [Naam 4] om geld te wisselen. De heer [Naam 4] heeft zulks bij verklaring van 16 augustus 2019 bevestigd. Gelet op het vorenstaande en nu niet is gebleken dat aan de werknemers na medio 2018 is kenbaar gemaakt dat slechts met toestemming van de Casino Manager valuta mag worden gewisseld, kan niet worden volgehouden dat [Geïntimeerde] in strijd met de regels heeft gehandeld door valuta te wisselen met toestemming van de Pitt Boss. Deze reden kan dan ook niet als dringende reden voor het ontslag op staande voet van [Geïntimeerde] gelden.