1.Het verloop van de procedure
2.De ontvankelijkheid
3.De grieven
- to maintain, administer and/or manage the infrastructural improvements to the common grounds and facilities which at any time may be entrusted to the Association;
- to provide administrative and financial guidance, security, cleaning of the roads and the common grounds, landscaping thereof and other services;
- to monitor, control and if necessary enforce the observance by Owners of all deed restrictions, building restrictions, restrictions on use and other limitations imposed upon the members of the Association in their title deeds and in the subject deed of division in apartment rights;
- to represent the members in collective matters;
- to take care of the assessing for and collecting of the contributions by its members necessary to cover the costs of maintaining, also on the longer term, the facilities and providing the services indicated above;
- to do whatever may be instrumental or useful related to the aforementioned objectives.’
Tijdschrift voor Antilliaans Recht-Justicia2006/2, p. 63 e.v.,
NJF2006/157) betreffende het Sint Maartense resort ‘Point Pirouette’, ten aanzien waarvan in het geheel geen regeling gold van de kosten der gemeenschappelijkheden (splitsing in appartementsrechten, zoals in de onderhavige zaak, had niet plaatsgevonden).