1.Aanduiding bestreden beschikking
2.Het verloop van de procedure
3. Feiten
Het project bestaat sinds 2020 en heeft als doel MKB-ondernemingen te ondersteunen bij het herstel van hun economische activiteiten op Sint Maarten en het verbeteren van hun diensten.
4.Het geschil
De beoordeling
o Two packages per MSME are authorized but must be below US$150,000 in aggregate amount. This will be verified by NRPB based on the Chamber of Commerce ID or an alternative ID for industries that are not required to register at the Chamber of Commerce.
▪ The 2nd package will only be reviewed upon proven repayment capacity of the business based on a minimum of six months' financials following verification of the initial financed assets.
o Connected MSMEs cannot get more than two times US$150,000. Connected MSMEs are defined as MSMEs who have a common owner with more than 25% ownership of each of the MSMEs.
o Connected MSMEs who are also related as defined as MSMEs who meet the following criteria will be excluded from funding:
▪ operate on the same physical site;
▪ whose works or services are dependent on one another;
▪ whose principals are connected.
For example: Business A operates in a manufacturing industry and was approved for ESP financing. Business B applies for ESP financing but has the same or connected ownership as Business A, operates/is registered at the same physical location as Business A and whose revenue is dependent on Business A. This by definition is considered connected, and Business B will be denied.’
De beslissing