[medeverdachte]: You had to tell them you kill the man you steal the phone from him, because you call me to meet him there. That what you had to tell him.
Proces-verbaal verhoor verdachte [medeverdachte], PD03 p. 22 - 30, voor zover inhoudende:
A; I do not want to snitch but the truth is [bijnaam verdachte] killed the guy but I have to save myself. I do not have part of this. I have love for his brother and his mother. And I do not want to be the one....God knows the truth. I do the right thing. He points his finger at me. But he told me what happened. [bijnaam verdachte] and the guy had a fight. Before the guy died. I have never seen the guy. I saw the same white Jeep and heard [bijnaam verdachte] fighting with the guy in the Jeep. I couldn't see the person in the Jeep. The guy dropped [bijnaam verdachte] and they started to fight. It was in front of [bijnaam verdachte] house. The guy kept saying, "bring my thing, bring my thing." I was all the way down the road. I was chilling, but I could hear the arguing. The guy was saying: "bring my thing bring my thing". All I remember it was on a Saturday. The day before the guy died. [bijnaam verdachte] confessed to me because I am good in puzzles. They had a fight and the guy drove off and [bijnaam verdachte] was in the car. And I am not too sure but [bijnaam verdachte] was thrown out of the car or he jumped out of the car. I am not certain. I was at an angle. I couldn't see if he was thrown out of the car or he jumped. The next morning. I saw a lady friend. She came to me. She called before and came to visit me at my house.. And then she told me some [slachtoffer] guy died. She said he was gunned down. He was shot and killed. She asked me if I know [slachtoffer]. She said it was impossible that I don't know [slachtoffer]. She said he was the guy with a white Jeep. But I do not know [slachtoffer]. So we sat down and talked. She went to work and I was busy. And the night time came and I went to eat at my mother. [bijnaam verdachte] came to me that same night and bought some weed. [bijnaam verdachte] was calling me every night or every other night to buy weed. It was a couple of days after the guy died. I gave him weed again.. [bijnaam verdachte] wanted weed again and he confessed to me. We met at the basketball court. I only come in St. Peters in the night. [bijnaam verdachte] bought my weed and [bijnaam verdachte] asked me if I saw what stunt the other guy pulled the other day. He told me: did you see how the guy paid for it? And I was still lost, I did not know what he was talking about. And then he told me the white Jeep and my hart skipped a beat. I know about a guy who was killed in a white Jeep. Then he started to talk. He had problems with the guy from before with the white Jeep. About a stolen thing, rims. And he called the guy and meet up with the guy in the night where he was found shot. He told me the guy wanted some rims. And he told the guy the rims were at his fathers garden. And that is why they met up there. [bijnaam verdachte]' fathers garden is right up there. He called him up, met the guy there, he told the guy give me a second, I am going for the rims. And the guy lost his attention for a while and he turned his head said [bijnaam verdachte]. And he put two shot's in his head. And he took the guy's phone. I asked him why he took the phone. He said he took the phone because he did not want the police to find the phone and find the last call in the phone. [bijnaam verdachte] told me all this information after he asked me who could unlock this phone. It was a couple of day's later. I am not stupid, but I did not know [bijnaam verdachte] was capable of killing. I do know him as a thief and a liar. On the news I heard the police found a bag of VIN numbers in the house of the guy. And I know [bijnaam verdachte] is a thief. Before [bijnaam verdachte] came to me I connected the dots. I found out. And when [bijnaam verdachte] came clean to me, he did not tell me more. I do not know how he got there, how he left, what gun he used. Nothing.
V: Did [bijnaam verdachte] tell you what he did with the gun?
A: He did not tell me. He told me he got rid of it. But I do not know how or where.
V: When you mentioned the white Jeep, can you give some specifics?
A: No, but I saw the Jeep on Face book and people were talking about it. And [bijnaam verdachte] knows the area. I just connected the dots before he come clean to me. I have nothing to do with this. I know how you can find the proof. Take his phone, his mothers or his fathers phone and you can see the last call [slachtoffer] received. [bijnaam verdachte] took the guys phone so the police could not find the last call. [bijnaam verdachte] told me he called the guy to meet him over there. I put everything together. The white Jeep at the fight, the white Jeep at the crime scene and the phone and I am not stupid. I put it all together.
V: What [bijnaam verdachte] told you, did you tell it to anyone?
A: No, I kept it to myself. I am telling you now. When he told me that I was like: What the fuck! I thought he was the driver or something. Because I know him as a liar and a thief. I never thought he was capable of this. He knew I saw the fight and I saw the news and I saw the phone. [bijnaam verdachte] is a car thief too and when I heard about the VIN numbers I connected the dots. And [bijnaam verdachte] knew I already knew and that is why he came clean to me. I realize now [bijnaam verdachte] knew he was recorded. I said certain things like you killed the guy and you took the phone. I think [bijnaam verdachte] knew he was being recorded. I have not a thing to do with this. He blamed it on me because I used to live close by. I tried my best to keep a secret as a friend, but he framed me. I do not want to go to court for a murder. I am not a killer and I am not a thief. I did not know the background story, but when you told me about stolen cars and the rims. I realise that is probably the reason why he killed the guy. I have no blue car, I do not steal.
O: This is another thing you said:
[medeverdachte]:"You had to tell them you kill the man you steal the phone from him,
because you call me to meet him there. That what you had to tell him."
V: When did [bijnaam verdachte] call you?
A: It have to be "Call him to meet him there". Not to call "me".
Proces-verbaal verhoor getuige [getuige 7], G p. 105 – 108, voor zover inhoudende:
V: What Is your nickname?
A: [bijnaam getuige 7].
V: What is your phone number?
A: [telefoonnummer 6]. I have that number a long time.
O: We know you had What's app contact with [bijnaam 2 verdachte], phone number [telefoonnummer 2] and your number [telefoonnummer 6] [bijnaam 2 getuige 7]. This conversation started at 9th of January 2018 and ended 7th of August 2018 at 13:33 PM.
V: What can you tell us about that?
A: [bijnaam verdachte] uses [bijnaam 2 verdachte] in his What's app. I can not remember what the conversation was about. I remember [bijnaam verdachte] uses that name, [bijnaam 2 verdachte] in his What's app.
Proces-verbaal verhoor getuige [getuige 7], G p. 119 - 120, voor zover inhoudende:
O; The night that [slachtoffer] got killed [bijnaam verdachte] was texting you. We did question you about that already. You told us that you didn't really know what that chat was all about. We think that you know exactly what it was about and that [bijnaam verdachte] talked to you about it in the days after the murder.
V: What did [bijnaam verdachte] tell you about the murder of [slachtoffer]?
A: (…) [bijnaam verdachte] told me over the phone that there where three or four in his head. I did not know what he talked about. I was asleep. I asked him what he meant with three in his head. He said he put three in his head.
V: To whom did you talk about what [bijnaam verdachte] told you about [slachtoffer]'s murder?
A: I don't think I talked to anybody about this. I heard on the street that [bijnaam verdachte] send a message to somebody else about that he already did it. I do not know to whom he send the message too.
Proces-verbaal van onderzoek Whatsapp-berichten timeline 5 tot 7 augustus 2018, AMB 267 - 271, voor zover inhoudende:
Ik zag in de timeline dat de gebruiker van het telefoonnummer [telefoonnummer 2] en een gebruiker van het telefoonnummer [telefoonnummer 6] berichten naar elkaar hadden verzonden.
Deze chatgroep tussen de beide gebruikers was begonnen op 9 januari 2018, 8:59:59 uur en eindigt op 7 augustus 2018, 13:33:19 uur. De groep bestaat uit twee gebruikers genaamd '[bijnaam 2 verdachte]' ([telefoonnummer 2]) en '[bijnaam 2 getuige 7]' ([telefoonnummer 6]).
Ik zag dat [bijnaam 2 verdachte] de beheerder van de groep is. ik zag dat in de contactenlijst van de Apple iPhone het telefoonnummer [telefoonnummer 6] staat vermeld bij contact 66 onder de naam '[bijnaam getuige 7]'.
5 augustus 2018 19:59:50 uur My phone fuckinq up
5 augustus 2018 20:00:04 uur OK
5 augustus 2018 20:00:09 uur Where you b
5 augustus 2018 20:02:35 uur Sand coming home
5 augustus 2018 20:03:26 uur Geluidsfragment
5 augustus 2018 20:21:34 uur Ok ok
5 augustus 2018 20:34:40 uur Yo
5 augustus 2018 20:34:43 uur Bigs
5 augustus 2018 20:35:41 uur Kill and collect smoke and forget remember [bijnaam 2 verdachte] tell you so mark my words
5 augustus 2018 23:18:20 uur Yo
5 augustus 2018 23:18:29 uur Wa the streets saying
5 augustus 2018 23:18:40 uur Boy go sleep
5 augustus 2018 23:18:51 uur Ready to hit a crime seen there
5 augustus 2018 23:19:03 uur Dem dead
5 augustus 2018 23:19:07 uur Foto
5 augustus 2018 23:19:08 uur Foto 5 augustus 2018 23:19:13 uur 4 X icoontje doodshoofd
5 augustus 2018 23:19:43 uur Kill and collect smoke and forget remember [bijnaam 2 verdachte] tell you so mark my words
5 augustus 2018 23:19:53 uur 4 X Onbekend icoontje
5 augustus 2018 23:19:56 uur 2 X Onbekend icoontje
5 augustus 2018 23:19:57 uur 3 X "Duim omhoog"
5 augustus 2018 23:20:16 uur Geluidsbestand
5 augustus 2018 23:20:35 uur Kill and collect smoke and forget remember [bijnaam 2 verdachte] tell you so mark my words
5 augustus 2018 23:23:24 uur Geluidsbestand
5 augustus 2018 23:25:34 uur Geluidsbestand
6 augustus 2018 2:55:36 uur Yow wa happen
6 augustus 2018 2:57:06 uur Geluidsbestand
6 augustus 2018 2:57:15 uur G hold It down
6 augustus 2018 2:57:17 uur Please g
6 augustus 2018 2:57:23 uur ??
6 augustus 2018 2:57:53 uur Only you no da g
6 augustus 2018 2:58:06 uur Please don't talk to nobody
6 augustus 2018 3:37:24 uur Foto IMG 2177.JPG
6 augustus 2018 3:37:50 uur What is dat
6 augustus 2018 3:38:22 uur Foto IMG 2178.JPG
6 augustus 2018 3:38:30 uur Dis man phone
6 augustus 2018 3:38:54 uur Yeh
6 augustus 2018 3:40:31 uur Tomorrow we talk
6 augustus 2018 3:40:44 uur One
6 augustus 2018 3:41:10 uur Yeh
6 augustus 2018 3:43:05 uur "Duim omhoog"
6 augustus 2018 3:43:22 uur Bless
6 augustus 2018 3:43:43 uur Yo delete everything
6 augustus 2018 8:56:57 uur Head g
6 augustus 2018 8:57:07 uur Later we talk better g
6 augustus 2018 9:57:19 uur Ahead shots g
6 augustus 2018 9:57:32 uur Head alone i going for
6 augustus 2018 9:59:05 uur Ok
6 augustus 2018 9:59:21 uur Geluidsbestand
6 augustus 2018 8:59:29 uur Yo g hush please
Proces-verbaal 1e verhoor verdachte [verdachte], PD01 p. 13 - 16, voor zover inhoudende:
V: What are your nick names?
A: They does call me [bijnaam verdachte].
V: What kind of cell phones do you use?
A: Before I had an Iphone 5s. After that I recently bought the Samsung J7.
V; What are the phone numbers for these cell phones?
A: I use the number [telefoonnummer 2]. This is the number I used in the Iphone 5S too.