gemachtigde: voorheen mr. M.M. Bloem, nu procederend in persoon,
1.Het procesverloop
- het vonnis in kort geding van 29 november 2023,
- de akte wijziging eis en grondslag van 6 maart 2023,
- de conclusie van antwoord van 8 mei 2023,
- de mondelinge behandeling van 14 september 2023.
2.De feiten
Continued to display disrespectful behavior towards the Medical Director despite specific instructions from the MEC.
Refused to reply to emails from the Medical Director inviting you to a meeting in compliance with the requirement by the MEC.
Refused to communicate with the assistant Medical Director regarding an urgent case.
Refused to follow the Urgent Surgical Policy that the head Operating Room reminded you about.
Refused to work as a member of a team which is a key requirement in healthcare.
Refused to follow the advice of the assistant Operating Room coordinator to lower your cases for the following day, and, as the attending surgeon you failed to inform the patient, leaving your responsibility for the nurses, resulting in a disappointed and dissatisfied patient.
Continued to blame others, colleagues and/or staff, for your mistakes.
Managed to cause two (2) adverse events in your first two (2) days of work, namely,
Bleeding patient because you forgot to suture the vagina top.
Bladder perforation.
Refused to follow the urgent protocol system properly, resulting in misunderstandings between the assistant Medical Director and heads of departments, causing overall chaos in the hospital. All the while, an innocent patient is suffering due to your refusal to follow established protocols.
Created an unsafe and intimidating work environment in the Operating Room and Nursing departments. Staff cannot deliver the required quality care while watching their backs, fearing to be blamed. Some have even expressed reluctance to work with Dr. [eiser].
Not modelled quality and safe patient care to your clinical service according to Article 7 of the Admission Agreement, as the gynecology clinical service chief.
Not provided a revised on-call list with your name included in accordance with the Medical Bylaws, Rules and Regulations Article Ill, section 3.6, point, and R.4, point R.4.1.2. to provide 24/7 care to patients.
3.De vordering en de standpunten van partijen
medical executive committee(hierna: MEC) unaniem heeft gestemd voor het intrekken van de toelating van [eiser]. Doordat [eiser] steeds weigert om zich te conformeren aan de regels is hij onhoudbaar in een organisatie waarin goede samenwerking en communicatie cruciaal zijn. Advent is bevoegd om [eiser] de toegang te ontzeggen en die beslissing is niet lichtzinnig of zonder goede gronden genomen. Dat [eiser] middels collegiale toetsing is beoordeeld is gebruikelijk en voorgeschreven. Het is de opzet van het systeem dat [eiser] wordt beoordeeld door de CMO, leden van de MEC of leden van de PSB. [eiser] is voldoende in de gelegenheid gesteld om zijn standpunt kenbaar te maken, maar heeft daar geen gebruik van gemaakt. Het intrekken van de toelating is te wijten aan [eiser] zelf en Advent is daarom geen schadevergoeding verschuldigd.
4.De beoordeling
Bleeding reason: he forgot to suture the vagina top, resulting in patient returning to the operating room and causing delay in surgery program
Bladder perforation (see report medical director) and then blames the staff for his mistake. (…)