1.Het procesverloop
2.De feiten
This agreement effective the 1st day of November 2016 by and between Pan-American Life Insurance Company of Curacao and St. Maarten, N.V., and /or Pan-American Accident and Health Insurance Company, N.V. (herein called “the Company”), of Curacao and [naam 1] (herein called “the Agency Manager”). (When applicable, all masculine gender references to the Agency Manager shall be read as feminine gender), of Peters Agency. (…)”
2. For the term of this agreement, the Agency Manager is hereby authorized to utilize for Agency purposes such premises and office equipment and facilities as the Company makes available. The Agency Manager, at his option and expense, may provide substitute or additional office equipment and facilities.
Dear Mrs. [verzoekster],
3.Het verzoek het voorwaardelijk tegenverzoek
4.De beoordeling
5.De beslissing
NAf 4.000,- bruto, te verminderen met de haar eventueel krachtens de Cessantia-landsverordening toekomende uitkering;