6.3.Contractor shall pay the insurance premiums out of the Compensation mentioned in art. 3.1.
4. De opleverdatum voor de ruwbouw, 1 april 2018, is niet gehaald. Op 29 mei 2018 hebben de partijen een aanneemovereenkomst gesloten voor het uitvoeren van extra werkzaamheden aan het project (hierna ook: de tweede overeenkomst). In de tweede overeenkomst is opgenomen:
1. The start of the construction will take place the May 29th 2018, or the first labor day after this agreement is closed.
2. The construction will be executed without any interruption till the delivery of the work no later than August 14th 2018. Only by “act of God” a delay maybe considered after deliberation and approval of both parties.
4. The work is considered finalized the day of the delivery, after the inspection and approval of the Surveyor and the Principal. If there is still unfinished or unsatisfactory work in the project, the Surveyor will hand to the Contractor a list which must be executed before the project can be considered finalized.
5. This agreement is based on the schedule received May 24th 2018, which stated August 14th 2018 as the last date to deliver the project, both the old and the new project. For every day that the contractor fails to deliver the project after August 14th, the contractor must pay a fine to the principal for the amount of US$ 250,00.
6. The contractor agrees to hire extra workers for these extra works, to avoid delays and meet the schedule date as stated before.
5. Vanaf augustus 2018 heeft Dabboussi Holding zorgen geuit richting CPD over de voortgang van het project en de kwaliteit van het werk.
6. Dabboussi Holding heeft de facturen van CPD tot en met oktober 2018 betaald.
7. Op 12 november 2018 heeft de architect van het project, [naam architect], CPD gemaild met als bijlage een vooropleverlijst voor het project. [Naam architect] merkte hierbij op:
Aki mi ta manda un lista de e kosnan ku mester di atenshon. Lagami sa ki dia / ora bo por y nos lo por repasa nan huntu riba trabou.
Dezelfde dag heeft […], de bestuurder van Dabboussi Holding, CPD gemaild:
Porfabour manda mi e fecha ku ta attende tur e puntonan aki riba, by the way quanto hende tin ta trhandu aktuallemente? Atrobe mi ta mira poko henda na e obra.
8. Dabboussi heeft op 23 november 2018 CPD gemaild:
Un kos bo mester sa ku despues di 18 di December tur perdida di entrada y penalty lo ta rib abo gastu. Ami ta kla mi no ta bai mete mas, bo a tuma mi hasi hopi, basta ta basta.
9. Bij brief van 2 januari 2019 schreef de gemachtigde van Dabboussi Holding aan CPD:
Dabboussi Holding has informed me that you are in breach with your obligations under the agreements. Most notably, you have failed to complete the project within the agreed period, thereby forfeiting the penalties provided for in the agreements. As to date, inter alia, the following work still needs to be completed:
i. The main stairs and ramp must be installed.
ii. The roof rain water drainage is defected and must be corrected.
iii. The work on the metal stairs to the second floor needs to be completed. This includes filling the gap on the stairs, attaching the stairs to the ground floor and installing the side rails.
iv. The defective masonry works (as indicated by Mr. […]) must be corrected. We note that the subcontractor engaged by you to correct the masonry had ceased all work, apparently due to the fact that you have failed to fulfil your payment obligations to him.
v. The outstanding points on the punch list provided to you by Mr. [naam architect] must be completed.
vi. Upon completion of the above points, the building site must be cleaned.
On behalf of Dabboussi Holding, I herewith request CPD, and to the extent necessary I summon CPD to have completed all outstanding work (which includes remedying all defective work) ultimately on 25 January 2019 at 17:00.
Should you fail to comply with this demand, Dabboussi Holding reserves the right to (partially) terminate the agreements and to have the work completed by a third party. All costs associated therewith will be claimed from you. Dabboussi Holding furthermore explicitly reserves the right to claim the penalties incurred by CPD as a result of the late completion of the project and all damages that Dabboussi Holding has and will incur as a result thereof. (…)
10. CPD heeft hierop bij brief van 7 januari 2019 gereageerd en bij brief van 9 januari 2019 aan Dabboussi Holding geschreven:
Hereby I would like to inform you that on January 8th, 2019 Caribbean Project Developers B.V. (CPD) has been denied access to the construction site at the Dabboussi General Aviation & Tourist Service Center (DGA&SC) project.
Yesterday, January 8th, 2019 an associated sub constractor of CPD needed an aluminum ladder to do a job for his company and has asked us if he could borrow one. We have told him that at the construction site (DGA&TSC) we have several aluminum ladders and that he was authorized to use one. To our surprise he was denied access to the construction site by Mr. […], an employee/ representative of Mr. Dabboussi, where he was told that CPD is no longer allowed to enter the construction site and that it is also not allowed to remove whatever from the construction site.
With the above mentioned action Dabboussi Holding (…)has unilaterally terminated the contract and will be put responsible for all the costs resulting out of this contract termination.
11. Op 11 januari 2019 antwoordde de gemachtigde van Dabboussi Holding:
Aside from the fact that CPD was not denied access to the construction site (…) any denial of access does not constitute the termination of the agreement.
I note that CPD was already in default in view of, inter alia, the fact that:
i. it has failed to complete this project within the terms provided for in article 1.7 of the construction agreement of 19 April 2017 and article 2 of the agreement of 29 May 2018;
ii. it has hired foreign personnel without arranging employment permits, which violates article 1.5 of the construction agreement of 19 April 2017. This fact is evidenced, inter alia, by an e-mail that Dabboussi Holding received from Mr. L. de Jong of the RCN-unit Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid and by a voicemail message left by you for Mr. Dabboussi of Dabboussi Holding, in which you state that you will have your employees working in the weekend on order to prevent detection by the authorities;
iii. it has not taken any CAR insurance for the period following 1 January 2019 which violates article 6.1 of the construction agreement of 19 April 2017.
On behalf of Dabboussi Holding, I herewith partially terminate the agreement (in Dutch: gedeeltelijke ontbinding) in the sense that CPD is relieved from its contractual obligations to complete the project. As of the date of this letter CPD is no longer allowed access to the construction site.
As outlined in my letter of 2 January 2019, Dabboussi Holding has reserved the right to claim payment of the contractual penalties incurred by CPD. The total amount of penalties due to date is USD 170.250.
12. CPD heeft geen werkzaamheden ten behoeve van het project meer verricht.
13. De architect [naam architect] heeft in een rapport d.d. 10 juni 2019 de kosten voor de nog niet verrichte werkzaamheden en voor herstelwerkzaamheden geraamd op US$ 99.433,50.