in de zaak van
de naamloze vennootschap Bonaire Petroleum Corporation N.V.,
De procedure
De feiten
(…) Your evaluation score for the year 2019 is 3 which is Normal/Good.
(…) ‘Aldaar aangekomen gesproken met de vrouw[ ]
gaf aan dat zij heden op werk kwam en maar binnen wou lopen.[ ]
gaf aan dat zij tegengehouden werd door [eiseres]. [eiseres] zou haar gevraagd om mee te protesteren te Bopec.[ ]
gaf aan dat zij niet mee wilde doen met het protest en dat zij normaal haar werk wil gaan doen.[ ]
gaf aan dat zij dan uitgescholden werd door [eiseres] en dat [eiseres] vervolgens een papier tegen haar gezicht gooide.[ ]
was hier niet blij mee.[ ]
gaf aan dat [eiseres] tegen haar had gezegd dat zij haar paspoort moest gaan inleveren en terug naar haar moederland moet gaan. (…)
had gezegd dat zij haar paspoort moest gaan inleveren terug in haar moederland gaan. [eiseres] verklaarde dat zij geen papier in het gezicht van[collega van eiseres]
had gegooid.
, called her a “chupado” (licker) and muhe pendew (dumbass woman). You did this because she did not want to participate in the strike that was going on in Bopec.[collega van eiseres]
even gave you a reason why she did not believe in the strike, being that Bopec never failed tot pay her salary. Nevertheless, you continued your very aggressive approach and you told her that she had to return to her own country. Furthermore, you hit her with a paper that you wanted to give her and that she did not want to take from you.[collega van eiseres]
had to ran off to a building to protect herself. Even the police had to come to calm you down as others, including the unions, could not calm you down. Your actions are specifically mentioned in article 7a:1615q, section 2, sub 1 of the Civil Code as a reason for immediate dismissal.