Verzoeker] is op 4 september 2021 op staande voet ontslagen. In de ontslagbrief van die datum staat onder meer als volgt:
“You were suspended with pay on September 1st, 2021, pending the company’s investigation into an altercation between you and a co-worker earlier that day.
As part of our investigation, we have met with you today September 4, 2021, and have reviewed video footage and we have spoken to several witnesses. Based on our investigation, we have concluded that on September 1, 2021, you were involved in a verbal and psychical confrontation with a co-worker during working hours, in the kitchen. As can be seen on the video and as confirmed by witnesses, you and [college I] had been exchanging verbal, often aggressive comments, to each other and the video shows your body language to be very aggressive as well towards [college I], making hand gestures towards her and seemingly screaming. After a while, you approached [college I] and started acting very aggressive, she then pushed you and you hit her in her face. Further review of our video footage shows that earlier that day, you also acted very verbally aggressive towards another co-worker. In this footage, you are seen using very strong aggressive non-verbal behavior towards the co-workers.
According to a witness, this altercation was a continuation of an incident the day before where both of you were asked to stop at least once.
When we spoke to you on Wednesday and this morning, you admitted that you hit your colleague during the altercation.
As you know, our company strictly prohibits verbal and let alone physical aggression. Our handbook clearly states that UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT is not allowed such as gambling or fighting on resort premises, coercion, intimidation, or threats of any kind against quests, supervisors, or fellow employees (…)
As a company, we must place the safety of our employees first, and create a good work environment in which violence is never accepted. This aggressive incident even took place in the kitchen, with potential weapons laying around.
[Verzoeker] our investigation clearly showed that you acted violently and violated several important rules and your actions as described above constitute a serious and unacceptable violation of rules and regulations. Your actions on September 1, 2021, as described above, individually, and jointly, are considered an urgent reason for the immediate termination of your labor agreement as per today, September 4, 2021.”