2.4 [naam verzoeker] is op 13 september 2018, tijdens zijn arbeidsongeschiktheid, op staande voet ontslagen. De ontslagbrief luidt voor zover van belang als volgt:
“With reference to our meeting of September 11, 2018 A.I.S. Aruba Industrial Services N.V. (‘AIS’) hereby informs you that AIS has decided to terminate your employment agreement of December 15, 2009 (‘Employment Agreement’) with immediate effect and does so by means of this letter.
Recently, during your absence the Managing Director noticed that you had been sending information of AIS from your work e-mail to another, to the Managing Director unknown, e-mail address stating your name ([naam]acmservices@gmail.com). After some time the Managing Director also found out that there had been e-mail correspondence indicating that you perform(ed) side activities.
During the meeting of September 11, AIS informed you about the abovementioned findings with regard to an investigation which AIS had conducted a few days prior to that meeting. You were given the opportunity to give AIS an explanation. With regard to the e-mails distributing information of AIS, you claimed that the information was sent to a different e-mail address which belongs to you as you needed to use that information as a template. Why you would need to use another e-mail address was not explained by you, nor did you explain why the e-mail address entails an abbreviation (AMC) and an indication of commercial activities (Services).
AIS has established that you have violated article 9.1 and article 10.1 of the Employment Agreement based on correspondence which proves that you:
- without approval of AIS disclosed information which came to your knowledge
regarding the business and interest of AIS from your work e-mail address of AIS to
an e-mail address stating your name and acmservices, entailing amongst others AIS’
presentation of the financial results of 2013 and a template of an operational lease
agreement which had been drafted for the benefit of AIS; and
- are performing and/or performed (paid or unpaid) activities for or on behalf of Aruba Street Cleaning Machines & Services VBA (‘ACM’) and other third parties, without written approval from AIS. AIS established this fact based on recent e-mails which you forwarded from your work e-mail address of AIS to an e-mail address stating your first name and acmservices, recent e-mails which you received on your work e-mail of AIS and other older e-mail dating from 2012, 2013 and/or 2014 which you received on your work e-mail of AIS, amongst others with regard to transactions concerning motor oil, diesel, bitumen, boya cero, etc. (Annex 1).
Additionally, AIS has established that you used the mail address of AIS for a transaction in motor oil, without the approval of AIS, and considers this also to be a gross violation of the Employment Agreement (Annex 2).
Up until the culmination of the investigation AIS had no knowledge of your side activities with regard to, amongst others, transactions in motor oil, diesel, bitumen, boya cero etc. AIS is concerned about the fact that you used the e-mail and mail address of AIS in some of your transactions and the implications that this may have for AIS. AIS by no means wants to be involved in any transaction concerning PDVSA, Russia, Iraq or any other country mentioned, directly or indirectly, in your correspondence.
The fact that you violated the Employment Agreement as previously mentioned, including article 9.1 and article 10.0 of the Employment Agreement, each on its own as well as in connection with each other, forms an urgent reason to terminate the Employment Agreement with immediate effect.
AIS has balanced your interests against the interests of AIS. AIS has come to the conclusion that the interests of AIS to terminate the Employment Agreement with immediate effect outweighs your interest to continue therewith. Under these circumstances it cannot be demanded from AIS that AIS continues with the Employment Agreement. AIS therefore terminates the Employment Agreement effective September 13, 2018.”