2.3 [[verzoeker] is op 28 maart 2017 op staande voet ontslagen. In de ontslagbrief van die datum staat daarover, voor zover nu van belang:
“On February 17, 2017, Mrs. [A], was granted a loan in the morning. Mrs. [A] was seen leaving the branch with a loan check. In the afternoon, Mrs. [A] was seen visiting our branch once again and later that day the payment of Mrs. [A] was made in the amount of Afl. 4.230,--, while this was registered in the morning, this payment was only received and transferred to Cashier 00 in the afternoon, after the second visit of Mrs. [A].
When further investigating this matter, the following was established. Mrs. [A] was granted a retention loan on February 17, 2017. This loan was registered under loan number xxxxx6793. Our investigation also shows that Mrs. [A] would have allegedly paid off her (old) loan, loan number xxxxx9102 on that same day, February 17, 2017, before being granted the retention loan. However, when we spoke with Mrs. [A] regarding this matter, Mrs. [A] stated that she visited our Shaba branch to request for a renewal of her loan. She would have informed that she could obtain more money by paying out her loan and opening a new one. According to her, she was granted the new loan, instructed to go the bank, cash out the check and come back to pay off her balance on the previous loan. This is in violoation of our procedures:
Incorrect information was registered in our administration when granting said loan:
Loan xxxxx9102 was registered as being paid off, prior to processing the new loan xxxxx6793, while at that time no payment had been received for loan xxxxx9102;
The receipt of the amount of Afl. 4.230,--, was registered in our administration, while no payment had been received at that time.
During our investigation we spoke with several of these customers. At least one other customer gave a similar statement as the one of Mrs. [A]: he was granted a retention loan before he paid off his previous loan. He was instructed to go to the bank, cash out the check, and then go back to our branch to pay off the balance on the previous loan. You processed the loan and payment of one of these customers, loan number xxxxx5481.
When heard regarding these irregularities, you denied having acted as stated above. According to you, the reason why the customers returned to the branch after being granted their retention loan, was to change guilders in dollars. According to you, you usually would help customers in this way: exchanging currency from guilders to dollars. However, we do not offer this type of services. We do not have a license to act as a currency exchange agent. Furthermore, no exchange fees were ever paid to the authorities for these alleged currency exchanges performed by you.
Your actions as described above are a serious violation of our procedures. You granted customers retention loans while they did not meet the requirements for such loans by resorting to irregular actions. You registered information in our administration which you knew was incorrect, in order to grant customers loans they did not qualify for, thereby also earning commission over loans which were granted against procedures. You further registered the receipt of money in our administration, while at that time no money had been received. Lastly, you grossly acted against procedures by offering currency exchange services, while we do not offer this type of services, we do not have a license to act as such and no exchange commission fee was paid to the authorities for these alleged transactions.
The above-mentioned incidents, all individually and jointly, are considered a serious breach of your responsibilities arising from your labor agreement. The above-mentioned incidents, all individually and jointly have caused us to lose all trust in you and – each individually and jointly are considered an urgent reason for the immediate termination of your labor agreement as per today, March 28, 2017.