Aruba Hotel EnterprisesN.V.,
Niemand mag in de in artikel 7 bedoelde lokaliteiten te werk worden gesteld zonder een door het Bestuurscollege daartoe verleende schriftelijke toestemming.”
In employing or contracting dealers and croupiers as well as other employees or contracted persons dealing with the public to work in the Casino Tenant will, whenever possible, select such dealers, croupiers and other employees or contracted persons who are residents of Aruba and who in any event speak Dutch, English and Spanish fluently; no person having a criminal felony record or having been convicted of a crime of moral turpitude in Aruba, the United States, or any other country, shall be employed, or engaged in, or associated with, the Casino, or its operation or with Tenant (under which is not to be understood contractors of distributors and suppliers from outside Aruba).(..)”
All employees of the Casino shall be hired, subject to the written permission of the governmental authorities in Aruba stating that the employee is authorized to work in the casino.(..)”
Tenant and its visitors cannot be obstructed or prevented from visiting the casino, parking on the hotel property and entering the hotel property with the purpose of visiting the casino(..)”
Tenant shall abide by all rules and regulations(..)
as well as comply with all ordinances, rules, regulations and laws of Aruba.”
Tenant shall not commit any act or do anything on or about the premises which shall be considered illegal, immoral, or perform any act which may jeopardize the Gaming License of Landlord(..).”
Personeel”. Dit duidt er eens te meer op dat de bepaling uitsluitend ziet op personeel dat in dienst is van het casino. Dat ook AHE dit zo heeft begrepen lijkt eens te meer te volgen uit haar eigen stelling, namelijk dat vanwege het vereiste dat is neergelegd in artikel 8 lid 1 van de casinovergunning, artikel 10.6 in de huurovereenkomst is opgenomen. Dit artikel 10.6 spreekt ook alleen van het in dienst nemen van personeel (