It is understood by all parties that the normal rent for this property is U.S. $3,000 (three thousand U.S. dollars) per month. Seller has agreed to accept the reduced amount of U.S. 2,200 (two thousand two hundred U.S. dollars) per month in exchange for certain considerations from the lessee, all of which are considered to be considered as added rent to make up for the $ 9,600 lower rent that the lessor has accepted to entice him to accept the above reduction of rent. The considerations consist of but not limited to the following items:
Lessor shall permit the Lessee to remove any or all existing airco units and replace them with split units at lessee’s own expense. Lessee shall have the right to remove the units lessee installed and take them with them at the end of the lease term provided that all holes from when they removed the non-split units are sealed with concrete block and plaster in such a manner as if they were never there and replaced with the standard holes that a normal split unit would take so that lessor may install split units as well. All wiring must remain for installation of split units.”
Assignor(lees: Bedrijf N.V.)
has entered into a real estate brokerage and representation agreement with AVR Hospitality Management & Real Estate N.V., hereinafter to be referred to as “Broker” for the rental of the property located at (Adres), Aruba, sufficiently known to parties.
late fees, alsmede andere kosten, zijnde in totaal een bedrag van Afl. 8.296,76, te vermeerderen met 15% buitengerechtelijke incassokosten, te betalen.
late feesnaast voornoemd bedrag van Afl. 8.296,76 te voldoen.
late feesAfl. 2.848,01
AVR Property Management Supervision Costs.
late feesAfl. 9.923,50 -/-
Afl. 7 .799,22 -
late feesen de vordering in reconventie, nu die beoordeling afhankelijk is van de uitkomst van de bewijslevering.
direct peremptoir, voor uitlating verhinderdata zijdens partijen;