Bij brief van 12 december 2008 hebben de douaneautoriteiten aan belanghebbende medegedeeld dat de aangifte onjuist was. In deze brief is het volgende vermeld:
“On november 20th 2007 [B] B.V. h/o [C] (hereafter [C]), has declared garlic with number [002] at customs office [U] in the Netherlands. [C] has declared in direct representation for [X] Limited who is situated at [Z], United Kingdom, according to the declaration.
Declared was 86,400 kilograms nett garlic, origin Pakistan.
From investigations by Customs it is proved that the garlic evidently originates in China, whereby an additional/supplementary tax is due of € (Euro) 1,200 per 1,000 kilograms. Bij Customs the nett weight was determided to be 82,392 kilograms.
At the time [C] made the declaration, it was punishable by law in The Netherlands to make an incorrect declaration, according to art. 48 from Customs law (Douanewet). Importing garlic with origin China without an importcertificate is also punishable by law in The Netherlands, according to art. 2 Invoerbesluit landen.
From investigations by Customs it is proved that the declaration was made by [C] under authority of [X] Limited. Therefore I consider [X] Limited to be the offender or accomplice for making an incorrect declaration. Therefore I herewith announce that [X] Limited will be fined.