3.6.4.Het hof acht het opmerkelijk dat partijen zoveel berichten via Whatsapp hebben gewisseld, maar dat in die Whatsapp conversaties (waarop hierna nader zal worden ingegaan) geen, of amper, aanknopingspunten zijn te vinden voor de juistheid van de stelling van [appellant] .
[appellant] is met name niet ingegaan op de volgende Whatsapp berichten die volledig passen in het verweer van [geïntimeerde] dat hij [---] heeft opgericht om daar de Porsche in ‘onder te brengen’ ten behoeve van [appellant] . Deze berichten zijn zonder toelichting, die [appellant] onvoldoende op deze Whatsapp correspondentie heeft gegeven, niet te rijmen met zijn stelling dat [geïntimeerde] een Porsche aan hem heeft verkocht en dat [geïntimeerde] het geld terug zou betalen aan [appellant] .
Op 18 april 2018 heeft [appellant] geappt:
“Hey buddy
Couple of questions
When will cash need to happen
[naam] thinks I could put it in a german
company that way we can claim the Vat
I am unsure if this works for me
I just feel rushed
Not your problem my problem
But in theory you set up the Ltd biz
Car goes in there
Opc sell to your company
I buy the company later from you
I like the idea of getting some cars off my
balance sheet
So this could have a later advantage for Ek
If we want to sell it we keep it as Vat
Met ‘ [naam] ’ wordt blijkbaar gedoeld op [persoon A] en met Opc op de autodealer die de Porsche aan [geïntimeerde] had aangeboden.
Op 24 april 2018 is het volgende geappt:
[geïntimeerde] aan [appellant] :
“Did you decide if GT2RS is going to DE
or UK company registration or private
Did you try Summers 4.2?”
[appellant] aan [geïntimeerde] :
“I think I may try germany”
en in reactie op Did you try Summers 4.2?
“No it’s not ready yet
I think go germany
Op 3 mei 2018 is het volgende geappt:
[appellant] aan [geïntimeerde] :
“I can top up your racing account
If you like?
Need any invoices paying
But we do need to get funds in to gmbh
go pay opc
I am relaxed”
[geïntimeerde] reageert met:
“Racing paid by sponsor”
[appellant] :
Why not
Then you put private funds into gmbh
Just an idea
No rush”
[geïntimeerde] :
“Plan to transfer to my misc NL accounts
and then “loan” GmBH funds.
Then gmbh pays OPC from Germany as
importer demands”
[appellant] :
You can waive the loan”.
Op 4 mei 2018 heeft [appellant] aan [geïntimeerde] geappt:
“Just thinking
For me all I want to do is send money
that I can say has gone
If that makes sense
So if in 2 years some one said what was
that for
I can say it was not buying it was
spending or bad investments
That's my goal
Fun huh”
Op 12 mei 2018 is het volgende geappt:
[appellant] aan [geïntimeerde] :
“In Theory I could send you more funds to
invest for me
Just thinking
I need to dump some cash”
[geïntimeerde] :
“Let's say we are investing into land,
commercial property. Taking an option.
Later on we walk away, biz model not
good enough. Shame, could have been
[appellant] :
Sounds great to me
I do loads of weird stuff
Some doesn't work out
I set up a 2m uk mortgage facility
I borrow there and invest
I have daily liquidity in it
[geïntimeerde] in reactie op ‘I need to dump some cash’:
“Let's set up the gmbh, hopefully next
week. When seeing how that works and
if good, I can set up one more and we
can plan ahead. Looks like I can lean on
[naam] relations.”
Op 29 mei 2018 heeft [appellant] aan [geïntimeerde] geappt:
“So I may look at putting the Cgt in the
First test trade
We have the gt2 in that's an easy one as
a new purchase
Then just a question of can I get existing
cars over
I think max I will do is 2 or will look odd
too aggressive
So may look to loose the Cgt and the
Also thought could be smart to do via
[naam] and pay him commission so
technically I have no idea who the buyer
is - then the commission I get as credit
for service work
That's way all looks at arms length
Rather than sell direct to the gmbh that
may get looked at later
Just ideas
I drive egg round alps and say nah I don't
like it
Or the Smart option would be to say I am
keeping the agera and swapping the
zonda out”
en later die dag:
[appellant] :
“Is the gmbh set up?
Has the car been bought into it?
I am in no rush for the car by the way”
[geïntimeerde] :
“Yes set up”
[appellant] :
“Car is on route in”
[appellant] :
Op 23 juni 2018 heeft [appellant] aan [geïntimeerde] geappt:
“Hey buddy
I have an idea
I need to get rid of the Cgt and agera as
you know
That's my short term goal
But the agera is a big ticket item and
hard to shift on
I had an idea which I think works but
would mean the gt2 would have to sadly
Basically if we sell the gt2 via [naam]
and release 400 euros and I say some
get another 200 into the gmbh I reckon
600 euros for the agera would look
reasonable and transacted via [naam]
so at arms length
I don't massively want to sell the gt2 but
the big picture for me is protecting
assets and the agera”.
Later op die dag heeft [appellant] aan [geïntimeerde] geappt:
“It’s a value based descikn
He is
Those 2 cars prob remove 2m from my
balance sheet
Then I leave all the others and reveal a
very nice and healthy Balance sheet
All the other cars
And the properties
Just skim some excess
I can’t do zonda as would be out of
Op 3 juli 2018 is het volgende geappt:
[appellant] :
“Just looking at my bank online
Apparently i spent 200k euros on cup
cars and coaching
Is that feasible?
I guess some could be in advance?”
[geïntimeerde] :
“Depends on how many days that covers”
[appellant] :
“Well it's says 200
I could say I had an off”
[geïntimeerde] :
“Perhaps payments are from 2nd half 17
and for full 18
Maybe 14 days at 10k and 60k damages
from 2 offs”
[appellant] :
“That's a great idea
I owed you”
Vervolgens appt [geïntimeerde] een smiley met een knipoog waarop [appellant] reageert met:
“This is working out quite well”
Op 16 oktober 2018 is het volgende geappt:
[appellant] :
“Just running through some thoughts
[naam] has a guy that may be interested
in the gt2 where i think he can own it but
it still looks like u own it and he even
would send it for servicing in your name
I guess he would wire funds to the biz
and if that is the case can those funds be
sent to an account of my choice?
Just thinking options through given my
home situation”
[geïntimeerde] :
“May be possible, so close the DE biz
down ?
I spend days on setting that up”
[appellant] :
[geïntimeerde] :
“I think it's not far away from I can get out
of ownership”
[appellant] :
“But you have had a gt2 ti drive all
Op 25 oktober 2018 is het volgende geappt:
[appellant] :
“ [naam] is asking how many miles
exactly he has a buyer
Shall i get him to message u direct
[geïntimeerde] :
“Checked last night, 3.472km, needs a
wash, lots of dust, but car is literally like
Sad you won't get it
But life throws challenges at us”
[appellant] ”
“It does”
[geïntimeerde] :
“Off course Dom can chat directly
Shut the DE setup?”
[appellant] :
“I am not sure about that”
“Also a shame, costly and time
consuming to set up, but if no use
maybe silly to continue run up cost ?”
[appellant] :
“I wonder if the biz could be useful”
Op 21 november 2018 heeft [appellant] aan [geïntimeerde] geappt:
“How can u tell
I am prob selling at 390
Have to pay small commissions
Given we never got round to any
documents are we saying u owe me
money or the gmbh?
When I send funds over i have to show
why they are coming
Someone owing me funds is fine but
need a simple one page loan doc”
Op 21 januari 2019 is het volgende geappt:
[appellant] :
“Hey buddy hows you? Can you try send
that 1000 euros as i have an investment
that id like to put alll the funds into and it
closes this month so can we start
sending it over please? Hows you? Xxx”
[geïntimeerde] :
“Yup buddy, gonna do the test today,
should them leave at latest tomorrow
and be in the account at latest Wed. Can
see why it won't be smooth, only
hasslenks the manual DE interaction. I
write a word doc transfer request, they
process manually and next or flowing
day funds should be there. If all good, we
can Thur start sending larger portions,
maybe one big one. Only concern is if
they block and ask questions as it's a
rather non active account/company (…)
But we can use the loan repay note
as documentation if they ask questions.
In NL and France I do regularly get
questions, in Gib and HK we never get
any serious Q's.”
[appellant] :
“Awesome sounds like a plan to me”
Op 8 juli 2019 heeft [appellant] aan [geïntimeerde] onder andere geappt:
“Just trying to get some returns on the funds and get them earning some money.”
Op 4 maart 2020 heeft [appellant] aan [geïntimeerde] onder andere geappt:
“Can i get an invoice to the firm”en
“Whats left in the company”en op 8 maart 2020 onder andere:
“Any more colour at all on when company funds can come out?”.