4.1.1.De voorzieningenrechter heeft in paragraaf 2 van het vonnis waarvan beroep de volgende feiten vastgesteld:
a- Sinds 1993 bestaat tussen Bavaria en (de rechtsvoorganger van) Grupa een distributierelatie, waarbij Grupa belast was met de promotie, marketing, distributie en verkoop in Kroatië van de door Bavaria vervaardigde bieren.
b- In 2005 heeft Grupa een bierbrouwerij in Istrië gekocht die het biermerk “Favorit” produceert.
c- Op 23 april 2012 is tussen Bavaria en Grupa (‘the Distributor’) een zogenaamde ‘settlement agreement’ (hierna: de vaststellingsovereenkomst) tot stand gekomen waarin – voor zover van belang – het volgende is bepaald:
c. For several years the Distributor has not been able to meet the obligations agreed upon in the above listed agreements. Bavaria delivered to the Distributor the letter of default, dated 13 March 2012, which provides – amongst other issues – that Bavaria has a claim against the Distributor in the total amount of
€ 2.396.953,86, (…). Following the receipt of the letter of default, the Distributor informed Bavaria that the obligations in the letter can not be fulfilled within the prescribed period. (…)
d. (…) Due tot the long term business cooperating and the fact that Distributor has agreed to fully cooperate with the transfer of the “business” to a new distributor for Croatia, which will be appointed by Bavaria, the parties have decided to amicably settle all claims arising out of their business relationship. (…).
1. Bavaria has agreed to compensate Distributor by means of a payment to Distributor of an amount of € 2.500.000 (…) regarding the Croatian market, hereinafter referred to as the: “Settlement Amount”. (…
Attachment 1of this agreement contains an overview of the outstanding unpaid invoices and claims of Bavaria to Distributor wit the total amount of EURO 2.645.519 (…) (hereinafter referred to as the “Distributor Due Amount”). The Distributor Due Amount shall be set off against the Settlement Amount on the maturity date of the Settlement Amount.
3. Bavaria has not been and, following the date of the execution of this Agreement, shall not be obliged to make any new beer or other deliveries to the Distributor, unless otherwise agreed between the Parties in advance. In any case these extra deliveries will never exceed the amount of EURO 200.000. The payment term of such deliveries will be 90 days. (…).
POS material and refundable goods
5. The Distributor shall deliver to Bavaria or, at Bavaria’s instruction, to a new distributor appointed by Bavaria the goods owned by Bavaria, listed in the “Agreement POS Material” signed on 28 December 2011 with a value of EURO 642.895 (…). (…). Distributor will deliver within five working days an overview to Bavaria with a specification of the other POS material and old POS material which is in circulation in the retail and horeca channel (…).
6. The Distributor shall deliver to Bavaria or, at Bavaria’s instruction, to a new distributor appointed by Bavaria the refundable goods owned by Bavaria, consisting of crates and bottles sold by the Distributor to Bavaria on 24 January 2011 for an amount of EURO 1.370.000 (…). This amount is based on the quantity of crates and bottles as defined in the report of Deloitte of 2011. The parties are aware that the quantity of these goods on the signing date of this agreement will be less than the quantity mentioned in this report. The quantity will decrease with approximately 0,833% per month (10% per annum). The goods which are in the Distributor’s possession (approximately 60%) shall be delivered within fifteen days after the signing date of this Agreement. (…). The difference between the calculated quantity and actually returned goods will be compensated by Distributor either by payment or by means of the demand on the Bank Guarantees or the Extended Bank Guarantees, (…).
7. a. As soon as possible (…) the Distributor shall assign to Bavaria or, at Bavaria’s instruction, to a new distributor appointed by Bavaria all the rights arising out of the listing agreements executed between the Distributor and several retailers and horeca suppliers in Croatia. The Distributor warrants that there are no amounts due to retailers and horeca suppliers regarding the listing agreements. (…).
Mr. N Sulic in person shall give his full cooperation and shall also attend meetings with retailers and horeca suppliers to introduce the new distributor (…).
b. (…)
c. (…)
Cease of use of trademark BAVARIA
10. The Distributor shall immediately cease the use of all trademarks owned by Bavaria. Within 7 working days after the signing date of this Agreement the Distributor shall transfer the ownership of domain names which include the trademark BAVARIA to Bavaria, including without limitation the domain www.bavariapivo.hr .
Within 7 days after the signing date of this Agreement the Distributor shall apply a request to the Commercial Court in Croatia to change the company name of BAVARIA ADRIA d.o.o.. This company name will be replaced with a new company name that doesn’t contain the trademark and word BAVARIA. (…). In any event, the change of the company’s name in accordance with this Section 10 shall be registered with the relevant companies’ registry within five months following the signing date of this Agreement.
13. In case one or more obligations described above in Sections 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 of this Agreement have not been fulfilled within the relevant period(s) prescribed in Sections 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 12 or within an extended period agreed upon among the Parties, Bavaria shall be entitled to rescind this Agreement by a written notice having an immediate effect on the date of dispatching the rescission notice tot the Distributor by registered mail and:
a. a) claim the payment of the Distributor Due Amount,
b) in order to enforce the claim for the Distributor Due Amount, request the payment of the guaranteed amounts under the Bank Guarantees or the Extended Bank Guarantees, and
c) claim the fulfilment of the Distributor’s obligations set out in Sections 3, 5, 6 and 10 of this Agreement.
14. If one or more companies of Distributor becomes bankrupt, the other companies of Distributor shall become jointly and separately liable for the portion of the obligations of the bankrupt entity and separately liable for the portion of the obligations of the bankrupt entity of Distributor set out under Section 13(a) and 13(c) of the Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt this means that Mr. [appellant 4.] is not liable for debts of companies of Distributor.
d- De nieuwe distributeur van Bavaria is de heer [voormalig zakenpartner van appellant 4.], voormalig zakenpartner van [appellant 4.].
e- Bavaria heeft voor een bedrag aan € 183.924 extra leveringen (als bedoeld in artikel 3 van de vaststellingsovereenkomst) aan Grupa verricht. Dit bedrag heeft Grupa tot op heden onbetaald gelaten.
f- De naamswijziging van Bavaria Adria als bedoeld in artikel 10 van de vaststellingsovereenkomst is (tot op heden) niet doorgevoerd. De onderneming Bavaria Adria staat tot op heden nog als zodanig ingeschreven in het handelsregister in Kroatië.
g- Bij brief van 3 december 2012 heeft Bavaria aan Grupa medegedeeld dat zij niet heeft voldaan aan een aantal uit de vaststellingsovereenkomst voortvloeiende verplichtingen zodat Bavaria met toepassing van artikel 13 deze overeenkomst heeft ontbonden. Aan het eind van de brief heeft Bavaria Grupa erop gewezen dat zij ingevolge artikel 13 sub c van de vaststellingsovereenkomst nog verplicht is te voldoen aan het bepaalde in artikel 3, 5, 6 en 10 van die overeenkomst.
h- Op 21 december 2012 heeft Bavaria een bedrag van € 500.000,- ontvangen onder de bankgarantie die Grupa in het kader van de vaststellingsovereenkomst had verlengd.
i- Op 10 januari 2013 heeft Bavaria een bedrag van € 500.000,- ontvangen onder de (andere) bankgarantie die Grupa in het kader van de vaststellingsovereenkomst had verlengd.