Court of Appeal, The Hague
(participation in a terrorist organisation)
(abetment/preparation to committing terrorist offences)
(complicity in the participation in a terrorist organisation)
(transfer/possession of ammunition)
(participation in a terrorist organisation)
the period from1 December 201514 February 2016up to and including 27 March 2016 in Rotterdam, or at least in the Netherlands,
and/or Paris and/or Argenteuil, or at least in France, and/or in Belgium,
namely the terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS), or at least an armed terrorist jihadi combat group affiliated to IS, in any case an armed terrorist jihadi combat groupin which in any case [co-accused1] and/or [co-accused2]
and/or [co-accused3]participated, the object of which was to commit
terroristoffences, namely
/orammunition (within the meaning of Article 26 Paragraph 1 of the Weapons and Ammunition Act)
.(to be) committed with terrorist intent and/or with the intent to prepare or facilitate a terrorist offence (within the meaning of Article 55 Paragraph 1 and/or Paragraph 5 of the Weapons and Ammunition Act),