Court of Appeal, The Hague
- in view of the provisions of Article 30 ECTPCM, the Public Prosecution Service should have refrained from the proceedings in the Netherlands, or should have notified Turkey of its intention to prosecute the accused in the Netherlands;
- a judicial pardon applies within the meaning of Art. 35 b) ii) ECTPCM;
- Article 35 ECTPCM precludes a new prosecution in this case;
- Article 36 ECTPCM has not been correctly applied.
Taking into consideration the nature of the offence with which the accused persons have been charged, the evidence available, the length of time in detention in relation to the sentence imposed, the accused persons are to be RELEASED and that an official report on their release is to be sent to the Public Prosecutor if there are no other offences for which they are in custody or have been convicted;’
Sentence carried out in full?
1 A sentence imposed in a foreign state may only be enforced in the Netherlands insofar as:
1 A sentence imposed in a foreign state may not be enforced in the Netherlands if the convicted person is prosecuted for the same offence in the Netherlands.
outside the Netherlands;
1. Dutch criminal law shall apply to anyone who is guilty of an offence outside the Netherlands insofar as a treaty or decision of an international legal organisation designated by order in council imposes an obligation to establish jurisdiction over that offence.
2. The order in council, referred to in the first paragraph, shall describe the offences in respect of which the treaties and decisions of international organisations designated in the order by council require the establishment of jurisdiction.
Furthermore, some - generic - offences directed against life from Title XIX of Book 2 are mentioned:
Syrian Criminal Codesubmitted by counsel in the first instance (Statutory Order No 148. 22/06/1949) stipulates, inter alia:
01 August24 October2014 to
01 November3 September2016,
in one or more location(s)in Syria
and/or Iraq and/or Turkey and/or the Netherlands,
or at least (an) Organisation which advocates the armed Jihad struggle,which
organisation had and/or has the intent to commit terrorist offences, namely
1 November3 September2016,
in one or more location(s)in Syria and
/orIraq and
/orTurkey and
/orthe Netherlands,
has tried toprovide
dhimself or other persons with the opportunity, means and/or information to commit the offence, and
erispossession items of which
she knew that they were intended for the commission of the offence
y, the accused,
and/or her/their co-perpetrator(s)
(IS/IL) or Al-Qaeda or Jabhat al-Nusra,and/or stayed (for some time) in said (combat) area in Syria and/or Iraq and
one or more co-perpetrator(s) and/orIS
(IS/IL) and/or Al-Qaeda and/or Jabhat al-Nusra fighters, or at least one or more person(s) affiliated with (a) terrorist organisation(s) which advocate(s) the armed Jihad struggle, or at least one or more person(s) who (also) participated in a terrorist organisation that advocates the armed Jihad struggleand
/orcontributed to the armed Jihad struggle in Syria waged by (terrorist) organisation IS(
IS/IL) and/or Al-Qaeda and/or Jabhat al-Nusra, or at least terrorist organisations affiliated with IS and/or Al-Qaeda, or at least (a) terrorist organisation that advocates the armed Jihad struggleand
/orcarried and
/orpossessed (fire)arms in Syria,
October 2014June 2015up to and including 19 July 2015, in Abu Kamal (Syria)
and/or en route from Mosul (Iraq) to Raqqa (Syria), or at least (elsewhere) in Iraq or Syria, amidst a non-international armed conflict on the territory of Syria, in violation of the provisions of Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949,
/or)(in particular) treated in a humiliating and/or degrading manner a person who, at the time, did not take (or no longer took) take part directly in the hostilities, namely
a civilian and/or armed forces personnel who had laid down their weapons and/ora person who had been taken out of action due to illness and/or wounds and/or imprisonment and/or any other cause,
(smiling)next to the aforementioned (deceased) person while that person had been
crucified and/ortied to a wooden cross and
crucified and/ortied to a wooden cross and
/ormade it public.
riba'. As considered above, [kunya name of accused] is the nickname (kunya) of the accused.
For participation it is sufficient that the person involved has general knowledge (in the sense of unconditional intent) of the organisation’s intent to commit (terrorist) offences. No form of intent to commit the offences specifically intended by the organisation is required.
1 Any person who, in the event of non-international armed conflict, commits the offence of violating Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, i.e. committing one of the following offences against persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed 'hors de combat' by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, of one of the following offences:
outrages upon personal dignityof a person within the meaning of CA 3 by the accused, who falls under the protection of CA 3, and, finally, whether there is a sufficient connection between the established conduct and the armed conflict (nexus) to be able to speak of a war crime.
generally beregarded as constituting severely degrading or humiliating treatment or would otherwise constitute an outrage upon personal dignity. [16]
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs(UNOCHA) estimated the number of people fleeing in Syria itself at 6.6 million and the number of people fleeing the country at 4.3 million. 13.5 million residents, the organisation says, are in need of humanitarian assistance. The death toll in November 2015 was around 250,000.