1. Examination of the case
2. Procedure
3. The decision appealed against
4. Charges
5. Background
6. Legal framework
7. Positions of the Public Prosecution Service and of the defence
8. The facts established by the Court of Appeal
9. Evidentiary considerations
10. Assessment of the charges
11. Declaration of charges proven
12. Criminality of conclusive evidence
13. Criminal liability of the accused
14. Request of the Advocate General
15. Grounds for the sentence
16. Request that the suspension of pre-trial detention be lifted
17. Applicable legal provisions
1.Examination of the case
3.The decision appealed against
to assert their presence after taking control of an area and to instil fear among the population.’6
khilafa) in the areas captured by ISIL. ISIL is renamed Islamic State (IS).9 As a 'caliphate', IS claims religious, political, and military authority over all Muslims throughout the world. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the organisation's emir, is appointed 'caliph' of IS. All Muslims in the world are then called upon to take an oath of allegiance to the self-proclaimed 'caliph' Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and to settle in IS territory. Taking the oath is considered a duty, has a binding effect and is valid for life. The earthly sanction for violating the oath is death. By swearing allegiance to terrorist group IS, expatriates sign up for a life characterised by excessive violence and an all-encompassing ideology that dismisses everyone outside IS as heathens and therefore inferior and thus a legitimate target.10 Men who have sworn allegiance to the 'caliph' must always be on call for battle.11
6.Legal framework
Items shall mean all goods and all proprietary rights.
Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and wilfully, provides or collects funds with the intention that they should be used, or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out:
An act which constitutes an offence within the scope of and as defined in one of the treaties listed in the annex; or
Any other act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.
For an act to constitute an offence set forth in Paragraph 1, it shall not be necessary that the funds were actually used to carry out an offence referred to in paragraph 1, subparagraphs (a) or (b).
Any person also commits an offence if that person attempts to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 of this article.
Any person also commits an offence if that person:
Participates as an accomplice in an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 or 4 of this article;
Organizes or directs others to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 or 4 of this article;
Contributes to the commission of one or more offences as set forth in paragraphs 1 or 4 of this article by a group of persons acting with a common purpose. Such contribution shall be intentional and shall either:
Be made with the aim of furthering the criminal activity or criminal purpose of the group, where such activity or purpose involves the commission of an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 of this article; or
Be made in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 of this article.
Some of the very many offences that, upon ratification of the individual conventions, were identified as necessary for the implementation of those conventions were not punishable by imprisonment for a term of eight years or more – nevertheless a requirement for the application of Article 46 CC.’16
Financial Action Task Force(hereinafter: FATF) from 200417 (currently Recommendation 5)18, read in conjunction with the
Interpretative Note(a binding explanation) drawn up by the FATF, which formulates eleven requirements that the criminalisation of terrorist financing should meet.19
Interpretative Noteto Recommendation 5 of the FATF obliges the legislator to criminalise the financing of (individual) terrorists and terrorist organisations. This
Interpretative Noteimplies on this point:
on the basis of the proposed criminalisation, providing financial support to such a person is punishable via the link to (conditional) intent.30
Interpretative noteto Recommendation 5. The Explanatory Memorandum explains that this obligation is implemented on grounds of conditional intent, as has also been noted above.
all ways in which financial and economic support is provided to commit acts of terrorism or acts directly related to them.'38 In the definition of the offence, this is summarised as the 'provision of financial support', which entails the provision of any benefit that can be quantified in money. It is of no importance as to what items provide the benefit, nor whether they have a legal or illegal origin. The effect that the phrases 'in full or in part' and 'directly or indirectly' have is that financing of only a part of a terrorist act or financing that takes place through other persons or legal persons also fall within the scope of the criminal provision.39
Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List(hereinafter: UN Sanctions List).45 Article 7, Paragraph 1 of Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 provides that the Commission is empowered to amend or supplement Annex I on the basis of decisions made by either the United Nations Security Council or the Sanctions Committee of the United Nations. Thus, adaptations to the UN Sanctions List lead to amendments to the afore-mentioned Annex I of this Regulation (hereinafter also: the EU Sanctions List).
Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant(ISIL) are on the EU Sanctions List, so that it is prohibited to make funds or economic resources directly or indirectly available to these organisations in that period.
to prevent and suppress the financing of terrorist acts;
to criminalize the wilful provision or collection, by any means, directly or indirectly, of funds by their nationals or in their territories with the intention that the funds should be used, or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in order to carry out terrorist acts;
General comments
A person who falsely prepares or falsifies a document that is to serve as evidence of any fact, with the intent to use it as genuine and unfalsified or to have it used as such by others, is guilty of forgery and liable to a term of imprisonment of no more than six years or a fine of the fifth category.
The same punishment is also applicable to he who intentionally makes use of the false or falsified document as if it were genuine and unfalsified, or who intentionally delivers or holds such document, whereas he knows or should reasonably presume its use in such manner.
If an offence as defined in Paragraph 1 or 2 is committed with the intent to prepare or facilitate a terrorist offence, the term of imprisonment imposed on the offence shall be increased by one-third.
Paragraph 3: The intent to prepare or facilitate a terrorist offence
7.Positions of the Public Prosecution Service and of the defence
of any punishable offence. They argued that the accused did not become aware of the fact that the brother of the accused was to be regarded as a 'fighter for the evil cause' before [date], the moment when the brother of the accused was placed on the National Terrorism List.
8.The facts established by the Court of Appeal
9.Evidentiary considerations
10.Assessment of the charges
The intent to finance terrorism and the offences to which the financing relates
Khilafah) in the territories conquered by ISIL, and all Muslims are called upon to take an oath of allegiance to the caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The latter also announces that ISIL is being renamed Islamic State (IS).119 On the same day, a photo is posted on the Facebook account of [man 1], in which he himself is depicted with a weapon in his hand and the person to his right is holding a black flag, presumably the flag of IS.
specialisin this case.
A person who intentionally fails to make a declaration provided for by tax law, fails to make such return within the specified time period, or commits one of the offences defined in Article 68, first Paragraph, Sub-sections a, b, d, e, f, or g, shall, if the offence results in too little tax being imposed, be liable to a term of imprisonment of no more than four years or to a fine of the fourth category or, if that amount is higher, no more than the amount in tax still due.
A person who intentionally makes an incorrect or incomplete declaration as provided by the Tax Act or commits the offence defined in Article 68, first Paragraph, Sub-section c, shall, should the offence result in too little tax being levied, be liable to a term of imprisonment of no more than six years or to a fine of the fifth category or, if that amount is higher, no more than once the amount of tax still due, on the understanding that, to the extent that the incorrectness or incompleteness in the declaration relates to taxable income within the meaning of Article 5.1 Income Tax Act 2001, the fine shall not exceed three times the amount of tax still due.
11.Declaration of charges proven
or aroundthe period from 1 September 2013 up to and including 24 December 2014,
and/or (elsewhere) in the Netherlands and/or in Hatay and/or in Istanbul and/or (elsewhere) in Turkey and/or Syria and/or Iraq,
if not once,
himself oranother person with means
or information,
Criminal Code (within the meaning of Article 176b in conjunction with 96, Paragraph 2, Criminal Code) (to be) committed with terrorist intent and/or
Criminal Code (within the meaning of Article 289a in conjunction with 96, Paragraph 2, Criminal Code) (to be) committed with terrorist intent,
and/or his co-accusedhaving sent and/or forwarded, at said time(s) and location(s),
(a)money transfer
)) (a)sum
) (of money
(Doc-043 and/or Doc-044),
(an)intermediary person
)in Turkey
and/or sent this/these sum(s) to Turkey,
this/these sum
)of money
(on each occasion)intended to provide financial support to
the armed Jihad struggle and/or (a
)of that armed Jihad struggle in Syria
and/or Iraq, in which struggle terrorist offences are being committed, namely for the benefit of [man 1], that is to say the brother of the accused and
/ora fighter of
the armed Jihad struggle, namely of terrorist organisation(s) IS and/or Al-Qaida or a combat group affiliated with them, be thatan armed jihadi combat group, which fighter and/or combat group
(s)/organisation(s)had/has/have the intent to commit terrorist offences, and
/orin so doing served to provide financial support
and/or meansfor the armed struggle in Syria
and/or in Iraq, in any case to provide financial support and/or means for the commission of a terrorist offence or an offence preparing or facilitating a terrorist offence or one of the offences specifically mentioned above;
or aroundthe period from
30 August 201316 October 2014
and/or (elsewhere) in the Netherlands and/or Turkey and/or Syria and/or Iraq,
(on each occasion)several times, intentionally in violation of the prohibition in Article 2
and/or 2aof the
/or3 of the Sanctiewet 1977 in conjunction with Article 2 and
/orArticle 4 of
Union of 27 May
and/or economic resourcesavailable
and/or Jabhat al-Nusra and/or Jabhet al-Nusra and/or Al-Nusrah Front and/or Al-Nusrah Front and/or Al-Nusrah Front for the people of the Levant and/or Al-Qaida (in Iraq),this
) (legal) person(s),group
(s)or entity
/entitieswithin the meaning of the list
)belonging to Regulation No 881/2002 (and/or Implementing Regulation (EU) No 632/2013 and/or Implementing Regulation (EU) No 583/2014 and/or Implementing Regulation (EU) No 630/2014),
and/or within the meaning of the list drawn up by the Committee, referred to in Paragraph 6 of Resolution 1267 of the Security Council of the United Nations,
/orto participate, consciously and intentionally, in activities the intent or effect of which is to circumvent the provisions of Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 881/2002, in that he
and/or his co-accused
for and/or to and/orfor the benefit of Islamic State of Iraq and/or ISI and/or Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant
and/or Jabhat al-Nusra and/or Jabhet al-Nusra and/or Al-Nusrah Front and/or Al-Nusra Front and/or Al-Nusrah Front for the people of the Levant and/or Al-Qaida (in Iraq)
)of money of
(Doc-043 and/or Doc-044),
or at least one or more sum(s) of money and/or
economic resources available to Islamic State of Iraq and/or ISI and/or Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and/or Jabhat al-Nusra and/or Jabhet al-Nusra and/or Al-Nusrah Front and/or Al-Nusra Front and/or Al-Nusrah Front for the people of the Levant and/or Al-Qaida (in Iraq);
or aroundthe period from 11 September 2014 up to and including 24 December 2014
and/or (elsewhere) in the Netherlands and/or in Hatay and/or in Istanbul and/or
if not once,
(on each occasion)intentionally in violation of the prohibition in Article 2, Paragraph 4, of the Sanctieregeling Terrorisme 2007-II, pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 2, and
and/or his co-accused, directly or indirectly, made means
(in the form of
)of money of
(Doc-043 and/or Doc-044),
)intermediary person
(s)in Turkey) while [man 1] was classified by decree of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of [date] in agreement with the Minister of Security and Justice and the Minister of Finance as a person to whom the Sanctieregeling Terrorisme 2007-II shall apply;
Leidschendam-Voorburg and/orThe Hague
and/or (elsewhere) in the Netherlands,
)other person
(s) and/or (a) (legal) person(s),
or forgedand/or commissioned the falsification
or forgeryof
and/or a 2014 IBPV Application (for/on behalf of BSN [BSN]
(of the accused
)) (for the tax year
) (Doc-004 and/or Doc-025)
(s)which was
/wereintended to serve as evidence of some
/orhis co-accused stated
(on each occasion)falsely and
/orcontrary to the truth – on
/inthe afore-mentioned document
(s) (of 150,000 euros
)in wage
) and/or other income from current
)deductible sum
(of 2,000 euros
)for specific care costs and
)deductible sum
(of 19,000 euros
)for children’s living expenses and
)deductible sum
(of 10,100 euros
)for weekend expenses for severely disabled persons
(of 1,000 euros
)in donations
this/these stated
(s)as genuine and unfalsified
or had it/them used by (an)other person(s) and/or
Leidschendam-Voorburg and/orThe Hague
and/or (elsewhere) in the Netherlands,
)other person
(s) and/or (a) (legal) person(s), if not alone,
oneaor moreand/or forgeddocument
(s)– this
(s)that was
/wereintended to serve as evidence of an act – as if it
/theywere genuine and
/orunfalsified, namely
)provisional 2014 income tax/national insurance contributions assessment
and/or a 2014 IBPV Application (for and/on behalf of BSN [BSN]
(of the accused
)) (for the tax year 2014
) (Doc-004 and/or Doc-025), the use thereof consisting in him, the accused and
/orhis co-accused
, sending orhaving sent this
(s) (electronically
)to the Tax and Customs Administration
and/or (a) sum(s) of money,
(s) and/or forgery/forgeriesconsisting in
(s) of (of 150,000 euros)in wage
) and/or other income from current
)deductible sum
(of 2,000 euros
)for specific care costs and
)deductible sum
(of 19,000 euros
)for children’s living expenses and
)deductible sum
(of 10,100 euros
)for weekend expenses for severely disabled persons
(of 1,000 euros
)in donations
and/or included falsely and/orcontrary to the truth in this
(s) and/or
12.Criminality of conclusive evidence
13.Criminal liability of the accused
14.Request of the Advocate General
15.Grounds for the sentence
16.Request that the suspension of pre-trial detention be lifted
17.Applicable legal provisions
24.(twenty-four) months.
14 (fourteen) months, will not be executed, unless the judge should order otherwise at a later date because the accused has been found guilty of committing an offence before the end of an operational period of
3 (three) years, or if the accused has, during the operational period of 3 (three) years or for the object of establishing his identity, not cooperated in having one or more fingerprints taken or has not presented proof of identity within the meaning of Article 1 of the Compulsory Identification Act for inspection or has not cooperated in the probation supervision within the meaning of Article 14d, Paragraph 2, Criminal Code, including cooperation with home visits, or has failed to comply with the special conditions referred to below.
special conditionsthat the convicted party
Ideologie en strategie van het jihadisme(December 2009), p. 49. See also: http://www.memrijttm.org/at-cairo-conference-leading-sunni-clerics-urge-sunnis-worldwide-to-mobilize-for-jihad-against-the-alawite-regime-in-syria-and-its-shiite-supporters.html, consulted on 21 April 2016.
Transformatie van het jihadisme in Nederland.
IICISAR, A/HRC/28/69 dated 05/02/2015, p. 34; Human Right Watch, You can still see their blood, Executions, Indiscriminate Shootings, and Hostage Taking by Opposition Forces in Latakia Countryside, dated October 2013, pp. 66-68; Jennifer Cafarella, Jabhat al-Nusra Deepens its Foothold in Northwestern Syria, ISW Backgrounder dated 10/11/2014; Oral Update of IICISAR dated 18/03/2014, p. 5 and 8; Report of the IICISAR, A/HRC/25/65 dated 12/02/2014, pp. 10-11 and Report of the IICISAR, A/HRC/23/58 dated 18/07/2013, p. 15.
'Hada wa'd Allah'(This is the promise to Allah), at www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAWCSDkrzLs; Mark Tran & Matthew Weaver, 'ISIS declares caliphate in area straddling Iraq and Syria', dated 30/06/2014, at http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/30/isis-announces-islamic-caliphate-iraq-syria.
Leven bij ISIS, de mythe ontrafeld(The Hague, January 2016), p. 3.
Countries should criminalise terrorist financing on the basis of the Terrorist financing Convention, and should criminalise not only the financing of terrorist acts but also the financing of terrorist organisations and individual terrorists even in the absence of a link to a specific terrorist act or acts. Countries should ensure that such offences are designated as money laundering predicate offences'. The conversion table for the numbering of the recommendations is included on p. 4. See: http://www.fatf-gafi.org/media/fatf/documents/recommendations/pdfs/FATF_Recommendations.pdf.
'Hada wa'd Allah' (This is the promise to Allah), at www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAWCSDkrzLs; Mark Tran & Matthew Weaver, 'ISIS declares caliphate in area straddling Iraq and Syria', dated 30/06/2014, at http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jun/30/isis-announces-islamic-caliphate-iraq-syria.