1.Het verdere verloop van de procedure in hoger beroep
2.De kern van de zaak
- dat de besluiten tot vernietiging van de vrijwilligersovereenkomst en stopzetting van het kunstzinnig gebruik worden vernietigd;
- dat [appellante] wordt teruggeplaatst in haar functie van ‘artist in residence’ en
- dat aan de andere vrijwilligers van CAMRAS een rectificatie wordt verstuurd.
Het oordeel van het hof
De brief van [appellante] aan [naam2]
In particular your performance ‘Music of the Spheres’ and any future work should not include:
- Live SETI transmissions;
- the combination of any of these fields: neuroscience-EEG-radio astronomy-SETI-Virtua Reality;
- brain waves transmissions into space (neighter live or recorded);
- Visual Moonbounce of any kind (neighter live or moonbounced images);
- any of the elements present in 'OPTICKS': live video streaming from the cabin of the radio telescope, live audience participation with Q&A, live conversation with the radio operators and any of the structure as featured here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLmtOgllwHM&t=20s;
- the performance 'Music of the Spheres' should not be advertised as based on the Overview Effect, a concept that is central to the ongoing' COGITO' project at the radio telescope; the 'Music of the Spheres' performance benefits from a combination of several elements originally developed as part of [appellante] 's work during her residency at the Dwingeloo radio telescope: live radio transmission performance between the Earth and the Moon from the cabin of the Dwingeloo radio telescope; the same technical team (in particular collaborator [naam3] ) who developed their experience in live artistic performanes thanks to [appellante] 's projects; audience participation; the interaction with the radio operators acting as performers that was first introduced as original methodology in 'OPTICKS' by [appellante] ;
- for the above reasons [naam2] should always credit in the press release and any publicity of of the Spheres' events [appellante] and her project OPTICKS, with the following caption: 'inspired by OPTICKS, a project by [appellante] ';
- after the first performance of 'Music of the Spheres' on the 7 September 2018, [naam2] will pay [appellante] a fee of 300 euros excl. VAT, for each following performance of the same project as a contribution for borrowing some of the' OPTICKS"s ground work that radically facilitated the making of 'Music of the Spheres';
- the definition 'Moon-reflected', as opposed to' Moon-bounced' (the commonly used technical name) has been first used by [appellante] in her published papers and interviews, therefore will be either credited or replaced by another definition;
- the press release for the event on the 7 September and for each following event of [naam2] 's work developed at the Dwingeloo radio telescope should be provided to me as soon as it is published, together with links to the event page on the hosting organisation's website;
- any proposal for a new project or variations in the ‘Music of the Spheres' project in collaboration with the CAMRAS team, should be emailed to me first. As the coordinator of the CAMRAS art programme, I will discuss it with the other members of our art team before eventually being approved;
- no further performance or artistic project developed at the Dwingeloo radio telescope should be advertised prior the full agreement of the CAMRAS art team.”
De brief van de advocaat van [appellante] aan CAMRAS
iedere medewerking aan optredens, performances, videopnames of andere uitingen van mevrouw [naam2] of anderen te staken en ook gestaakt te houden, voor zover daarin één of meer van de volgende elementen voorkomen:
- Performances, waarin het gebruik van de radiotelescoop centraal staat, met als constante de interactie tussen het publiek, de kunstenaar en de radio-amateurs, en met live videostreaming vanuit de cabine van de telescoop;
- De slogan in de Engelse taal dat het publiek mee naar de maan en terug wordt genomen, en het gebruik van uitdrukkingen als 'global', 'cosmic', en 'people travel with their mind';
- Crossover van (neuro-)wetenschap en radio-transmissie, o.a. door gebruik van elektro-encefalografie;
- Visual moonbouncing.
Het artikel in het Dagblad van het Noorden