2.16.Met dagtekening 10 april 2013 worden namens [naam21] en [naam22] brieven gestuurd naar de Luxemburgse fiscale autoriteiten waarin de op 25 maart 2013 besproken transactie wordt weergegeven en waarin een analyse is opgenomen van de Luxemburgse fiscale consequenties van die transactie. Op 3 juni 2013 heeft de Luxemburgse belastingdienst de analyse bevestigd. Naast een beschrijving van de voorgenomen stappen bevat de brief de volgende structuurschema’s:
In de brief van [naam21] is verder nog opgenomen:
B. Initial Transactions
7. Lux 1 will then enter into a sale and repurchase agreement (the Repo Agreement) over the Class B shares with either a third party unconnected to [naam6] or with [naam6] or a non-Luxembourg tax resident affiliate of [naam6] (the Repo Counterparty). The terms of the Repo Agreement will be as follows:
• Term: 1 — 12 months
• Repo Counterparty: [naam6] , an non Luxembourg affiliate of [naam6] or an unrelated third party;
• Sale Price: £1.2m, being the market value of the Class B shares at that time;
• Repurchase Price: means (i) EUR 1,200,000.-, less (ii) an amount equal to 85.1415% of the aggregate gross amount (including withholding taxes) of any dividends (if any) paid to the holder of the B Shares in the period from (and including) the Purchase Settlement Date to (but excluding) the Repurchase Settlement Date. Where this results in a negative number, the Repo Counterparty will make a payment to Lux I on redelivery of the Class B shares;
• If the Repo remains outstanding at 31 December, 2013, the dividend equivalent amount referrred to in (ii) above will be payable by the Repo Counterparty prior to 31 December.
• Settlement Terms: Physical settlement only.
D. Unwind
1. The positions of the Luxembourg companies will be unwound during the same financial year or on the second year.
2. Lux 2 will repay the Interest-Free Loan. Lux 2 will also substantially redeem the Class A shares leaving a de minimis share capital outstanding on the Class A Shares and to repay the share premium on the Class B shares. The Class B Share are maintained with their Eur 1.2m value.
3. Lux 1 will use the proceeds from the repayment of the Interest-Free Loan and the share capital repayments to repay the Intra-Group Loan.
1. Lux 1 and Lux 2 will be incorporated on the same day and will have, as from their incorporation day, the same financial year. Lux 1 will hold at least 95% of the share capital of Lux 2. You confirmed that the tax consolidation regime will be granted as from the date of the incorporation of Lux 1 and Lux 2 provided (i) the written application made jointly by Lux 1 and Lux 2 is submitted before the end of such first accounting year, (ii) Lux 1 and Lux 2 are incorporated on the same day and (iii) Lux 1 will keep its participation in Lux 2 (and at least 95%) during at least 5 accounting years (exercices d'exploitation). A separate letter will be filed in order to formalize the present request.
2. As a consequence of the consolidation regime, the tax results of Lux 2 (as determined for tax purposes on a stand-alone basis) will be added to the tax results of Lux 1 (as determined for tax purposes on a stand-alone basis) for the determination of the tax eventually due by the consolidated group.
B. Tax treatment applicable to Lux 1
5. Lux 1 will pay the Arrangement Fee corresponding to the notional interest on the €2bn granted by Lux 2. Such fee will be tax deductible and will actually offset, in the taxable basis of the fiscal unity, the corresponding taxable basis generated by this Arrangement Fee in Lux 2.
6. As a result of the Repo Agreement, from a Luxembourg tax perspective, Lux 1 will be
considered to be the economic owner of the Class B shares and any distribution paid on these shares. These distributions will be exempt from tax under the participation exemption regime provided that the conditions of article 166 LITL are met, ie provided Lux 1 keeps a participation in the share capital of Lux 2 of at least 10% or €1.2m during an uninterrupted period of at least 12 months. Since the unwind arrangements will be implemented so as to retain the acquisition price of the shares in Lux 2 of at least £1.2m and Lux 1 will undertake to maintain this participation for at least 12 months, the conditions for the participation exemption in respect of the Lux 2 Dividend will be met.
7. The share capital of Lux 2 will be reduced during the second financial year. However, such capital reduction will be implemented in order to preserve an acquisition price of at least €1.2m on the Prefs held by Lux 2. Since and assuming Lux 2 will always undertake to preserve such participation for at least 12 months, the conditions of the participation exemption on the Lux Prefs will be met and the dividend will be tax exempt.
8. Lux 1 will be subject to tax on the overall profit realized on the transaction.
9. As a final result, it is expected that Lux 1, as head of the fiscal unity, will remain taxable on an amount corresponding to 50% of the net commercial profit realised by [naam6] on the transaction after deduction of running costs and other fees.
10. The tax withheld on the Lux 2 Dividend, due to the fact that the withholding tax is determined by reference to the legal owner of the Class B shares, will be credited against the corporate income tax due by Lux 1 in the calendar year. To the extent that the withholding tax exceeds the tax payable by Lux 1, as head of the fiscal unity, for the accounting period, the Luxembourg tax authorities will refund the overpayment on a regular basis upon a request from Lux 1. The refund request should be accompanied by a pro forma consolidated tax computation for the fiscal unity.
In de brief van [naam22] is nog opgenomen:
B. Tax treatment applicable to Lux 2
5. Lux 2 will be taxable on the Arrangement Fee received under the Inter-Group Loan. However, this profit will be offset under the fiscal unity by the corresponding tax-deductible charge in the accounts of Lux 1. The taxation of the fee and the corresponding deduction will occur in the first accounting period under the fiscal unity regime.
7. The cash corresponding to the Arrangement Fee will be used in order to pay the dividend distribution on the Class B shares for a gross amount of up to € 800m. The gross amount of the dividend paid by Lux 2 on the Class B shares will be subject to withholding tax at a rate of 15% unless such distribution benefit from the provisions of art.147 LITL or of the provisions of any applicable double tax treaty. The applicable withholding tax rate will be determined by reference to the legal owner of the Class B shares.
8. The legal owner of the dividends will be the Investor. On the basis that [belanghebbende]
is resident in the Netherlands a 15% withholding tax will be applicable under the tax treaty between the Netherlands and Luxembourg, according to Article 10 of the double tax treaty concluded between Luxembourg and the Netherlands, which is equal to the Luxembourg domestic withholding tax rate. As indicated during our meeting, a number of separate dividends may be paid and such payments will, in any case, not occur later than December 10, 2013.
9. The Luxembourg tax authorities will accept to sign and stamp the tax vouchers that will be issued by Lux 2 to the legal holder of the Class B shares. The tax voucher details the amount of the dividend distribution and the amount of withholding tax paid.”