2.2De door [geintimeerden] afzonderlijk met [Appellant] gesloten maar gelijkluidende overeenkomsten (waarin [geintimeerden] worden aangeduid als: Pilot) luiden onder meer als volgt:
“(…) With a ATR42/72 Type Rating Program, commencing 16 May, 2014 at FARNAIR Training Centre. The program includes ATR42 Type Rating training with ATR72 differences training or vice versa. Upon successful completion of this Type Rating training and if deemed suitable by the Crew Training Manager, the pilot will continue line training in the right seat of either/both aircraft.
Course Content and Duration:
CRM 1 Course is scheduled for 3 days prior to commencing ground school
Ground school is approximately 3 weeks CBT followed by 8 classroom days.
9 sessions full flight simulator including Skill Test and differences training
Ground School Change of Operator Course: 1 week
Base Training: 1 day
Line Flying Under Supervision: minimum 40 sectors including route check
Line Flying Building Experience LEP: max 12 months and 500 hours, whichever comes first
Pricing for the ATR42/72 Type Rating and LEP 2014:
Payment to be made in two installments.
€ 18.500,- due 8 May, 2014
€ 16.000,- due 7 days before start Simulator Training, 2014
You will not receive remuneration during the period of Type Rating and Line Training.
Pilot is responsible for all costs of living and transportation expenses.
Conditions during Line Flying Building Experience LEP:
Included in the LEP of 12 months/500 hours:
-One recurrent Operator Profiency Check
-Per Diem
-Positioning Costs
-Hotel Accommodations in outstations (out of crew base)
-Crew Base will be assigned by FARNAIR according to their needs.
[Appellant] reserves the right to cancel or delay any planned Type Rating Program at its discretion.
If for any reason [Appellant] is unable to provide the Type Rating Program at the agreed commencement date an alternative Program commencement date will be offered to the Pilot. If no alternative Program can be agreed upon a reimbursement of done payment will be conducted minus any costs incurred by [Appellant] .
If the Pilot is incapable of reaching the required standard necessary to pass the final ground school examination, [Appellant] reserves the right to terminate the Type Rating Training prior to commencement of Simulator Training. No further payment will then have to be made, reimbursement of done payment will be conducted minus any costs incurred by [Appellant] .
During the Type Rating Training the Pilot will be expected to pass certain checks and examinations. If found unsuccessful then the Pilot may be able to re-sit at the discretion of the Crew Training Manager. If again unsuccessful the training may be cancelled with reimbursement of payments of any unused training minus any costs incurred by [Appellant] .
Contract Expiration:
Article 1
In the cases stated below in article 2 the contract will be terminated immediately
Article 2
If the Pilot fails to succeed in any of the simulator or line checks