2.2Op 31 mei 2013 heeft PwC haar eindrapport uitgebracht (hierna: het eindrapport, overgelegd als productie 9 bij inleidende dagvaarding). PwC heeft Linx toestemming gegeven om het eindrapport te gebruiken in een civiele procedure en voor het doen van strafrechtelijke aangifte.
In dit rapport, dat door en/of onder de verantwoordelijkheid van [geïntimeerde 1] is opgesteld, staat over [appellant] onder meer het volgende vermeld:
91 When negotiating re-joining Linxtelecom with Messrs [commissaris 1] and [commissaris 2] late December 2012, [appellant] informed the two representatives of the Supervisory Board that he in the meantime had negotiated a contract with Schneider Electric SA in France and accepted the offer to join Schneider.
[commissaris 3] doubted whether the contract with Schneider would indeed have been for an indefinite period of time and whether the salary offered by Schneider was indeed € 302.000, exclusive of a bonus of 30%.
95 We have asked [appellant] to provide us with an original copy of the contract he had negotiated with Schneider (…). We have received an unsigned copy of the contract (…). We have initially not been in contact with Schneider on the subject, as [appellant] felt that such contact could harm the business interests of Linxtelecom.
96 [appellant] could not provide us with a signed copy of the contract with Schneider
99 [appellant] salary at Linxtelecom is presently set at € 307.000, including holiday allowance, per year. According to Mr [commissaris 1] , with whom we discussed the subject, it was not necessary for [appellant] to convince him and Mr [commissaris 2] of the salary [appellant] would have received from Schneider, as the salary of the former CEO of Linxtelecom was much higher as the salary agreed with [appellant] .
100 After [appellant] had left Linxtelecom in the meantime, we have contacted Schneider Electric (…) when we asked Schneider to study the contract in detail and compare it with a retained copy in Schneider ’s administration (…) Schneider informed us that not a salary of € 302.000 and a bonus of 60% thereof (…) was offered to [appellant] but a salary of € 172.000 and a yearly bonus of 30% thereof (…).
102 [appellant] responded to our findings in his e-mail of 30 May 2013 as follows: “The negotiations with Schneider have been a long-term process. There were, amongst others, discussions about the amount of salary and the amount of bonus. The draft employment contract as provided was my view on the negotiable amount of my salary. Linx, however, did not negotiate further in this respect but simply accepted the respective amount, mainly because the mentioned amount was much lower than the salary of the former CEO of Linx.”
103 The information provided to the members of the Supervisory Board of Linxtelecom when negotiating [appellant] ’ contract with Linxtelecom was therefore not correct. The document provided by [appellant] to the Supervisory Board and later to PWC must therefore be assumed to be falsified.
7. Concluding remarks
137 [appellant] ’ credentials show deficiencies in the providing of evidence as to two subjects:
Schneider: from the documents provided to us and our subsequent contact with Schneider it appeared that the document provided to us by [appellant] was falsified and that the information given to the Supervisory Board of Linxtelecom was not correct (…).”