mr. P.A.M. Neijtzell de Wilde, kantoorhoudende te Amsterdam,
mr. H.J. Wiardaen
mr. J. Verlaan, beiden kantoorhoudende te Amsterdam.
1.Het verloop van het geding
2.Inleiding en feiten
Why are we doing this?
Global separation package- 15 weeks + 1 week for each year of service. Sign-on bonus provisions will be waived, and any accrued and unused Paid Time Off (PTO) will be paid out.
Accelerating vesting- We will accelerate vesting for the next quarterly vesting event (May 2023). These who have been here for less than a year (usually not eligible for vesting), will receive vesting for the number of quarters they have worked at Atlassian.
Providing healthcare- Employer-sponsored plans will provide six months of healthcare benefits for employees and their families, and continued access to our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Modern Health through this time.
Visa support- We will provide individual consults with Atlassian's mobility team, and meetings with external immigration counsel to review visa status and options.
Laptops- Once remotely erased, all employees will be able to keep their laptops.
Internal mobility -We will provide the opportunity to apply for open roles internally through our Internal Mobility process. Our team will work with impacted Atlassians over the next four weeks to explore suitable opportunities. This will be the case for everyone regardless of where they live and what the labour laws specify.
Outplacement services- We're partnering with a third party to provide coaching, resume-building and guidance, and job-seeking support.
Atlassian will be reducing its investment in specific areas of the business and reinvesting in others, in order to deliver against strategic priorities. The consequence of this exercise is that the decision was made to reduce headcount and that some roles are no longer necessary and are being made redundant. The reductions in headcount are primarily in the R&D, Go-to-Market and G&A organizations.
This number of redundancies doesn't constitute a collective redundancy. Therefore there is no collective dismissal notification to the UWV required.
The redundancies are spread out over several teams and therefore the decision of redundancies in the Netherlands do not cause a significant change in the day to day operations.
The percentage of the reductions in force is only 3% when looking at the total number of employees in the Netherlands and also 3% when looking at the total of the global reductions.”
We would also like to highlight some of the points that the current WoCo[Works Council – OK]
team discussed and wanted to convey to the management:
The notification to the WOCO of this big impact announcement was not good, too short notice, and not in line with a collaborative spirit that the WOCO and Atlassian should strive to uphold. It is clear that Atlassian BV management was aware of this change much earlier than announced, and should have considered working together with the Works Council on it.
The package is nice to see but we would still like to have outside legal counsel take a look for a second opinion on this whole offer being made to employees who are impacted.
The tone of the message comes across as very distant and not in the spirit of the Atlassian Values. It comes across as a "by the way" letter, on which you expect no response because certain minimums were met.
The use of the phrase "the number of redundancies in the Netherlands isonly17" is unnecessarily trivializing the impact of what is devastating news to 17 people.
Justifications for the terminations were listed as if to vindicate the actions and to point out that nothing can be done.
Also, some statements simply are not true; the termination of the PgM[program management – OK]
team on Marketplace constitutes a major change and disruption of day to day operations of not only that team but also their direct colleagues who depended on them for program management.
Finally, putting a deadline to agreement to terms with the threat of losing the severance package is quite a stressful thing to do to someone.”
“(…). Atlassian B.V. has amended the decision to a proposed decision (…). (…). Atlassian cannot make sense of the claim that not all impementations/executive action have been undone yet. And despite repeated requests, the WoCo does not clearly state which implementing acts this concerns. I therefore request once again of Atlassian B.V. to specify which implementing acts are being referred to.”.
3.De gronden van de beslissing
impactvan het ontslag voor de betrokken werknemers benadrukt, maar ook onder meer betoogd dat de opheffing van het
PgM team on Marketplaceeen grote verandering van de organisatie inhoudt en dat deze opheffing grote gevolgen heeft voor de medewerkers in andere teams. Atlassian heeft dat niet concreet weersproken. Daar komt bij dat Atlassian de reorganisatie slechts in uiterst algemene termen heeft toegelicht (‘
Atlassian will be reducing its investment in specific areas of the business and reinvesting in others, in order to deliver against strategic priorities’) terwijl de wereldwijde aankondiging niet veel concreter is. Bij die stand van zaken moet ervan worden uitgegaan dat het hier gaat om een belangrijke wijziging in de organisatie van de (Nederlandse) onderneming als bedoeld in artikel 25 lid 1, aanhef en onder e, WOR.
amended” en in haar verweerschrift van 26 april 2023 sprak Atlassian van “on hold” zetten (punt 10 verweerschrift) en “omgezet in” (punt 14 verweerschrift), hetgeen bepaald niet gelijk kan worden gesteld met intrekken.