1.[appellant sub 1] ,
[appellant sub 2],
[appellant sub 3],
1.De zaak in het kort
2.Het geding in hoger beroep
Term sheet NBWM USA partnership, November 17th, 2016
- NBWM has a strategic objective to replicate its business model in different geographies of which the USA is a key priority (NBWM stands also for NBWM global as opposed to NBWM USA)
- The process to start a legal entity (hereafter named "NBWM USA") and to acquire the required licenses in the USA (initially NJ and NY) has to be started asap with the objective to start the business early 2017. First customers to be onboarded and first transactions to be executed latest around the start of Q2 2017.
- A business plan is to be developed and agreed with the Management Board of NBWM end Q4 2016. This plan will include targets/KPI's and a P&L, a budget for 2017 but also a LRP 2017-2021. Every quarter an update of the budget 12 months rolling forward will be developed. Each 6 months the LRP will be updated.
- The intention of all parties involved is to invest in the USA as much as possible as long as the growth justifies the investments (i.e. good return on investments), there is adequate funding and the equity requirements are being met (this also has to be viewed in the light of NBWM on a global level). NBWM is in the process of acquiring Euro 5 million funding partly also to be invested in the USA. Parties have agreed to the following commitments of NBWM:
- [appellant sub 2] ( [appellant sub 2] ), [appellant sub 1] ( [appellant sub 1] ) and [appellant sub 3] ( [appellant sub 3] ), hereafter jointly named "NBWM USA Management", will manage NBWM USA and will commit themselves to NBWM USA for a minimum period of three years (assuming partners will agree the financial commitments as in the former point). [appellant sub 2] will work full time for NBWM USA, however will be allowed to attend board meetings and other events related to current non-executive positions that he holds. [appellant sub 1] will commit to spend 60-80% of his time and [appellant sub 3] 10%. The intention is that the employment agreement will be extended at least once with a period of two years
- The remuneration for [appellant sub 2] , [appellant sub 1] and [appellant sub 3] will be 10% of the realized revenue (hereafter Commission). The allocation to each of them will be determined by themselves. All arrangements between [appellant sub 2] , [appellant sub 1] and [appellant sub 3] will be shared with NBWM
- The Commission will be 5% of realized revenue from customers that are contributed by NBWM Global.
- The Commission will also be 5% of realized revenue from customers that are contributed by NBWM USA, but whose revenues are realized in NBWM entities other than NBWM USA.
- The Commission will be converted into shares of NBWM (or cash at the decretion of NBWM management) in specific circumstances as specified below. This conversion will take place based up on the fair market value of NBWM translated into a revenue multiple. E.g. if NBWM has a fair value of USD 300 MM with revenues of 20 MM this gives a NBWM revenue multiple of 15. If NBWM USA at the same time, has 5 MM revenues, 10% commission will be worth 5/20 x 300 x 10% = 7.5 MM or 10%* the NBWM revenue multiple * revenue of NBWM USA. The % shares in NBWM can be calculated as follows: 10% * revenue NBWM USA / revenue NBWM.
- If the negative EBIT is in excess of the Predefined EBIT Levels and the business is not terminated NBWM may fire NBWM USA management and the commission is converted into shares at the same calculation and principles as above, however the resulting value is adjusted downward with the amount of loss above the Predefined EBIT Level times the NBWM revenue multiple (e.g. if the Predefined EBIT Level was max USD 1 million loss, the actual loss was USD 2 million and the NBWM revenue multiple 10 and the revenue for NBWM USA is USD 15 million, the Commission is converted into shares or cash (at discretion of NBWM) for a value of
- If NBWM decides to terminate the operation in the USA since the losses are too high and above the agreed levels, no conversion will take place and NBWM USA management will be entitled to 10% of the resulting value attributed to the US business/assets after payment of all debts.
- The conversion will take place under the following circumstances and according to the calculation and principles as described above:
- First priority and requirement is to acquire a reputable bank in the USA that will work with NBWM
- FATCA consequences need to be determined asap and potential issues for NBWM need to be resolved
- The legal structure needs to be finalized and confirmed asap
- Alignment of this term sheet with Dutch and USA law needs to be determined asap (e.g. (...)).
- This arrangement should not block in any way the development of NBWM USA or NBWM global in case e.g. a PE firm comes on board and/or if an exit is arranged
- Regular salaries for those who have to be on the payroll will be reasonably negotiated
- This Term sheet may be replaced in the near future by a mutually agreed contract, under Dutch law, that incorporates above mentioned stipulations. In the absence of such future agreement this Term sheet will be enforceable and is legally binding under Dutch law.
start business, customer onboarded, transactions executed). Zo ver is het niet gekomen. Toen de Beëindigingsbrieven A zijn verzonden en ontvangen, was een dergelijk stadium niet bereikt.
opportunitymoeten laten lopen en heeft andere opdrachten moeten weigeren.
realized revenue). De exitregeling kan gelet daarop niet anders worden uitgelegd dan dat deze ziet op een opzegging nadat de geplande entiteit operationeel is geworden en omzet heeft gerealiseerd, althans dat indien NBWM de Term Sheet eerder opzegt, de regeling niet tot enige betalingsverplichting leidt. De (impliciete) stelling van [appellanten] dat er bij een eerdere opzegging een betalingsverplichting bestaat, gebaseerd op geprognosticeerde omzet, is betwist en dient te worden verworpen. Onvoldoende is gesteld om aan te nemen dat de exitregeling zo moet worden uitgelegd of dat [appellanten] de exitregeling redelijkerwijs zo mochten begrijpen. [appellanten] hebben dan ook geen recht op enige vergoeding op grond van de exitregeling.