mrs. M.V.A. Heuten,
D.G.A. Heemsen
T.J.A. Zuijderland, allen kantoorhoudende te Amsterdam,
mrs. R.G.J. De Haan,
S.J. Van Calkeren
L.M. Kivits, allen kantoorhoudende te Amsterdam,
mrs. N. Peters, J. Bakkeren
D. Buskens,allen kantoorhoudende te Amsterdam,
- verzoekster als Sogestran;
- verweerster als [A] ;
- belanghebbende als Arcoin;
- [B] als [B] ;
- [C] als [C] ;
- [D] als [D] ;
- [E] als [E] ;
- [F] als [F] .
1.Het verloop van het geding
2.Inleiding en feiten
shipping servicesten behoeve van de chemische industrie.
Investment Agreement(de IA) gesloten en op 24 november 2020 een S
hareholders Agreement(de SHA). De IA strekt ertoe dat Sogestran de aankoop door [A] van de aandelen in Team Tankers ltd. zal financieren en op termijn alle, tot dan toe door Arcoin gehouden aandelen in [A] zal overnemen. Daartoe worden door [A] voor een bedrag van USD 25 miljoen nieuwe aandelen aan Sogestran uitgegeven en koopt Sogestran tegen betaling van USD 5 miljoen 65% van de door Arcoin gehouden aandelen in [A] . De IA voorziet er in dat Sogestran in de loop van 2022 nog eens voor USD 5 miljoen aandelen in [A] zal kopen tegen een dan vast te stellen prijs per aandeel. Het restant van de dan nog door Arcoin te houden aandelen in [A] zal in 2024 door Sogestran worden gekocht tegen een prijs die dan ten minste USD 11,3 miljoen zal bedragen. Sogestran en Arcoin zijn verder overeengekomen dat zij, ieder naar rato van hun in de loop van de tijd wijzigende aandelenbelang, garant zullen staan voor aan [A] verstrekte bancaire financieringen.
Finance, Investment and Audit Committeezal worden gevormd (hierna: de Financial Committee).
sale and leaseback(
Japanese Operating Lease with Call Option(JOLCO)) van een tweetal schepen. De RvC heeft niet ingestemd met de herfinanciering van [J] -lening door Chailease. De JOLCO-transactie is met betrekking tot één schip wel doorgegaan.
“the Company’s cash flow remains under pressure and the company should be proactive in obtaining additional working capital.”[B] heeft voorgesteld te onderzoeken of in samenwerking met de bestaande financier Credit Agricole-Corporate & Investment Bank (CA-CIB) een zogeheten GO-C financiering verkregen zou kunnen worden waarbij de Nederlandse overheid deels garant zou staan. De RvC heeft hiermee ingestemd.
confirms the company remains tight on cash, given the market’s slow recovery, stating [A] is looking into possible options to ensure sufficient liquidity, one being the GO-C and another refinancing of the Berenberg bank loan.
continues that for GO-C the bank should be registered with the RVO (a Dutch government agency), and therefore would be easier if bank is already registered and the request is if Sogestran would introduce [A] to their current banks already registered.[ [L] ]
confirms that based on their projections, [A] would require between USD 10 to 15 mil of fresh cash by the year end to covering ongoing cash flow shortfalls, if taking a pessimistic outlook.[ [L] ]
continues that he understands for GO-C the bank should evaluate [A] as if they would receive no guarantee, and therefore does not believe this is likely to happen. Furthermore, Sogestran is currently in discussions of refinancing some other activities with various banks, and therefore do not feel comfortable to mix the financing requirements of [A] with Sogestran, and thus[ [L] ]
declines to introduce [A] to their financiers out of caution.[ [F] ]
and[ [L] ]
states that given their prediction of cash shortage, it would be good to anticipate any shortfall and allow Sogestran sufficient time if they need to provide additional working capital. Therefore, they request a cash forecast until the end of 2021.
confirms that a GO-C backed funding may not be easy to obtain, although the proposal shared includes the ships as collateral as well, thus offering more security to the bank and keeping the option open for GO-C.
reiterates that Sogestran would need to know in advance if there is an expectation of a shortfall to allow them sufficient time to plan internally.
summarises: the suggestion to be made to [A] to share a cash forecast before the next SB meeting on 7 September 2021 to enable the SB to review and discuss.”
“The company expects to have positive cash balances at month end Sept and Oct, but does expect cash shortfall in between, due to timing of incoming and outgoing cash not matching.”
suggests that Sogestran pays for an external business review, to assist the company in assessing the options available for cost savings and increasing revenue.
states Sogestran are able to provide liquidity, but this will be difficult and they require time to put this in place. Additional he states he will confirm the subjects of any potential loan to [A] still.[ [E] ]
asks if USD 10m will be sufficient?[ [C] ]
states this sounds high, but will ensure longer stability for the company.[ [B] ]
states the shortfall is not expected to be USD 10m, but agrees this will provide greater stability in the longer term.[ [E] ]
states that the assessment remains important for Sogestran, also to provide confidence to the bondholders of Sogestran.
asks if all the company agrees that USD 3m is needed in the short term and then additional USD 6.5m.[ [K] ]
agrees.[ [E] ]
states that then the only option in the short term is for the shareholders to provide the required capital.[ [B] ]
states the option is being considered by the Arcoin board as shareholder, taking into consideration the exposure of Arcoin to Sogestran already, with final discussions taking place in the evening after which an update can be provided to Sogestran as the other shareholder.
suggests the following solutions:
states for longer term, if possible to refinance the Berenberg loan, then the company should
states if no further options for additional financing is available, then Sogestran and Arcoin need to enter talks to discuss the options.
summarized that Arcoin will today confirm to Sogestran if they can provide additional liquidity to [A] .”
states the company has the following options, in discussion with the legal advisors Allen and Overy, being a shareholder loan, or an agreement is reached with CA‐CIB to extend the time of payment, or in the worst case the company has to file for bankruptcy protection immediately.[ [D] ]
states thus the SB would need to reconvene tomorrow in the morning, to considering filing for protection if one of the other options are not achieved. SB agrees to reconvene at 10h30 tomorrow. (…)
states he understands the request for cash from [A] , with Sogestran willing to provide the loan subject to the conditions and discussions with Arcoin.”
states the shareholders should obtain consensus on the loan to [A] . (…)[ [E] ]
states he sent a proposition to Arcoin. (…)[ [E] ]
states the loan agreement to [A] is a part of the package sent to Arcoin, and should be seen as a package deal with the other proposals to Arcoin.[ [C] ]
states that [A] is able to decide on the IBR and the loan document offered by Sogestran, but that the matter between shareholders should not impact [A] , as is currently the case. (…)[ [B] ]
confirms Fleetscape is ready to proceed.[ [D] ]
asks if there is any feedback from CA‐CIB, after the requests sent by [A] and payment of interest made.[ [B] ]
states she has received no feedback on the requests for waiver of default.[ [D] ]
states therefore the SB asks the company to continue with Fleetscape refinancing. The SB agree on this statement.[ [F] ]
and[ [E] ]
states this does not resolve the immediate cash shortage.
asks if the company is considering other options.[ [B] ]
states the company is also considering to sell some vessels and confirms she is aware that approval would be needed to sell vessels.[ [E] ]
states he sent a letter to[ [B] ]
that they do not agree to file for moratorium, there the SB does not approve the process to file today.”
states he requested to have a SB meeting to get a situation update on the cash position of [A] and the CA‐CIB default documentation.[ [E] ]
states that Sogestran only receive a message on Friday (8/10/2021) from [CA-CIB] informing them the loan repayment has not been made by [A] , and instructions have been given to their lawyers to start enforcing the guarantees from Arcoin and Sogestran. (…)
asks if Arcoin will not accept the terms sent by Sogestran to resolve the liquidity position (…)[ [D] ]
states that Arcoin has indicated they do not accept the amendments proposed by Sogestran to Arcoin to the investment agreement. (…)
states the company cannot sign the updated term sheet received in the current default position.”
3.De gronden van de beslissing
default)onder de financieringsovereenkomst met CA-CIB. Ter zitting is toegelicht dat [A] per 29 oktober 2021 niet meer kan voldoen aan haar betalingsverplichtingen. Op korte termijn is een bedrag van USD 3 miljoen aan liquiditeit nodig en op langere termijn ongeveer USD 10 miljoen. Partijen zijn het erover eens dat [A] solvabel is; de waarde van haar bezittingen overstijgt ruimschoots het totaal van haar schulden. Partijen zijn het er ook over eens dat de onderneming van [A] in potentie winstgevend is.
4.De beslissing
Shareholders Agreementgeen goedkeuring van de raad van commissarissen van [A] vereist is, waarbij ten minste één commissaris A vóór heeft gestemd;