Bij brief van 20 maart 2020 heeft Turkish Airlines dit ontslag bevestigd. In de brief is - voor zover van belang - het volgende aangegeven:
“You are employed at Turkish Airlines Amsterdam (“Turkish Airlines”) on the basis of an employment agreement since 18 September 2000 (the “Employment Agreement”).
With this letter we confirm the conversation you had yesterday, on 19 March 2020, with [B] , General Manager. In this conversation it was communicated to you that Turkish Airlines has decided to summarily dismiss you (ontslag op staande voet).
Reason summary dismissal
The reason for this summary dismissal is that you misused at least three Electronic
Miscellaneous Document (‘EMD’) that was created for our clients, Drietour, Aquila, ID Travel.
As you know, when an EMD is created for a client, this client will have a credit balance on its (own) account, which is to be used for this client (and this client only), for example for future bookings of this client. You however created reservations with this credit balance (EMD) at the expense of our client, for your own account and/ or for others and/or for other agencies, and therefore for your own gain. The total value of the EMD that you received from our client, and therefore misused isEUR 4,122.86.
In doing so, you came into the office on Sunday 15 March 2020 (whilst you were not scheduled to come into the office). On this day you created at least three individual reservations within the above mentioned EMD. On 18 March 2020 you came into the office again and issued the tickets (confirmed the reservations and changed the issued tickets manually). Moreover, you changed the EMD records as if the EMD amount for the agency was changed by the agency itself (as if the agency requested those tickets). The latter was not the case.
This conduct of yours is unacceptable, and we discussed this with you during our meeting on 19 March 2020, the same day that we discovered this conduct. We have informed you that the above described facts, but also that you have acted in breach of our internal policy and also not acted as a good employee, in the opinion of Turkish Airlines, both on its own and jointly, constitute and urgent reason justifying summary dismissal.
Your explanation during the meeting and Turkish Airlines’ response to this
During the meeting with Mr [B] (Director), Mr [C] (Sales Manager), Mrs [A] (Sales Manager), Mr [E] (Accounting Manager) on 19 March 2020 you have been given the opportunity to respond to the above mentioned facts. You confirmed during that conversation with the above mentioned persons that 4 of the 6 person ( [D] (Ticket number: [nummer] ), [F] (Ticket number: [nummer] ), [Y] (Ticket number [nummer] ), [G] (Ticket number: [nummer] ) for whom the bookings were made, are your acquaintances. You denied that you know the other 2 persons ( [H] (Ticket number: [nummer] ), [I] (Ticket number: [nummer] ). You also confirmed that you made a mistake, and said that you made this mistake because you are taking medication. You also said that you do not want to leave employment of Turkish Airlines, and are willing to pay back the amount of EUR 4,122.86.
With your above described actions you indeed made a mistake, but you did so knowingly. Your actions have been a step by step process, with steps made in the course of several days, and this was not something that could have been done in ‘the spur of the moment’ (because you are on medication or for any other reason), because it requires complicated calculations in at least six separate cases. We have therefore established that there are serious facts and circumstances for which you have no conclusive explanation. Due to your conduct, Turkish Airlines is no longer able to trust you as an employee. (…)”.