[geïntimeerde sub 4] ,wonende te [woonplaats 2] ,
[geïntimeerde sub 5],
[geïntimeerde sub 6] ,
1.Het geding in hoger beroep
Indien sprake is (geweest) van een overgang van onderneming ex artikel 7:663 BW van Accutest op Accutest India, Accutest Indiate veroordelen of, indien er geen sprake is (geweest) van bedoelde overgang, Accutest te veroordelen tot betaling van:
a. een bedrag van Sfr 390.478,66 ten titel van bonus;
b. te verklaren voor recht dat [appellant] aanspraak kan maken op 34.090 aandelen in Accutest India en Step-Up Equity als vermeld in artikel 6 c sub 1 tot en met iii (van de arbeidsovereenkomst), waarvan de omvang nader zal moeten worden bepaald zodra het Exit Event heeft plaatsgevonden en Accutest zal veroordelen bij wijze van voorschot op de waarde van het pakket van 34.090 aandelen in Accutest en de Step-up Equity een schadevergoeding $ 1.245.000 en verdere schade op te maken bij staat en te vereffenen volgens de wet alsmede voor recht te verklaren dat [appellant] aansprak kan maken op genoemde aandelen;
c. subsidiair, een schadevergoeding van $ 1.840.000 wegens het niet nakomen door Accutest dan wel Accutest India van haar verplichtingen ex artikel 7:611 BW.
“Performance-Based Bonus: In addition to the Fixed Compensation, you shall be entitled to an annual performance-based bonus (the “Performance-Based Bonus”) The actual amount received will be linked to actual performance on key performance indicators achieved at the end of financial year which ends on 31st March. If you achieve all your targets on your key performance indicators, you will receive a gross Performance-Based Bonus equivalent to 100% of your Fixed Compensation. If you achieve less or more than your targets, then your Performance-Based Bonus will be adjusted downwards or upwards accordingly. The actual quantum of the adjustment will be at the discretion of the board, recognizing that exceptional performance should be rewarded accordingly.”
“Stock Option Plan:You will be eligible for total stock option grant of up to 34,090 shares in Accutest, which represents up to 1.5% of the fully diluted share capital base of the Parent Company. A portion of the stock options will be granted every year subject to your and Accutest’s business performance. The options will vest at the time of Exit Event. At the time of the Exit Event, you will have the opportunity to earn Step-Up Equity equivalent to 10,000 shares in Accutest which represents up to 0.5% of the fully diluted share capital base of the Parent Company. The Step-Up Equity will be granted under the following construct:i. if the actual exit equity value of the company is 5% higher than the Exit Equity Value of the Company (as agreed in the Vision Document and KPI’s), then you will be entitled to an additional 2,500 shares which represents approximately 0.125% of the fully diluted share capital base of the Parent Companyii. if the actual exit equity value of the company is more than 10% higher than the Exit Equity Value of the Company (as agreed in the Vision Document and KPI’s), then you will be entitled to an additional 3,500 shares which represent approximately 0.175% of the fully diluted share capital base of the Parent Company (in addition to shares in a above)iii. if the actual exit equity value of the company is more than 15% higher than the Exit Equity Value of the Company (as agreed in the Vision Document and KPI’s). then you will be entitled to an additional 4,000 shares which represent approximately 0.2% of the fully diluted share capital base of the Parent Company (in addition to shares in a and b above).”