1.Het geding in hoger beroep
Whether you operate for Small Planet airlines as a pilot
Written confirmation of that your father has been hospitalized in [plaats]
The length of the process to get an AME appointment last year summer.
Confirmation through either tickers and/or a receipt that you have attended an AME appointment of June 05. 2017
You have passed our screening and we have made you an offer for employment.
Employment start date offer is as from 31.10.2018 – 31 October 2018 –.
At the time of this writing we have not received a signed agreement also you have made no verbal acceptance that would suggest your acceptance to our offer.
At the time of this writing no employment relation between you and our company exist and no duties or tasks have been performed that could suggest otherwise. (…)
- op 6 april 2016 verklaart [D ] , piloot bij easyJet, dat:
- op 23 april 2018 verklaart [B] :
Hereby I confirm having received a phone call from one of our former employees (currently employed at another airline) Today (23/04/2018) at 10:45. This individual verbally confirmed the following facts to me:
- He recently (a day in the past 2 weeks) witnessed mr. [appellant] wearing a uniform as a Pilot in command (“gezagvoerder”/ “Captain”) whilst sitting close to him in the bus.
- He contacted one of his contacts working for Small Planet Airlines training department asking if [appellant] works for them. This contact confirmed that:
[appellant] completed a training course as a Pilot in command for Small Planet Airlines; and
[appellant] is operating flights for Small Planet Airlines. (…)
- e-mail van 16 april 2018, voorzien van een ondertekening met de naam Dr. [E] (NP Flight Operation by Small Planet Airlines, hierna: [E] ):
- brief van 14 mei 2018, voorzien van een ondertekening met daarbij vermeld de naam [F] (CEO Small Planet Airlines):
- [G] niet door [appellant] is gecontacteerd (zij zat naast hem dus hij kon dat meteen verifiëren);
- Mevrouw [G] liet via de heer [E] weten dat zij geen idee had waarover ik het had toen ik zei dat de heer [appellant] toestemming aan Small Planet Airlines heeft gegeven om met mij te praten;
- Mevrouw [G] heeft geen Nederlands mobiel nummer, wel een Duits nummer. (…)
written by you and mr. [F] and are the letters send by Small Planet Airlines?
(…) I declare and confirm, that Mr. [appellant] , was only sitting on the jumpseat and did not perform flying duties on the described flights below:
(…) Date: 21/03/18 Departure: Düsseldorf Arrival: Palma de Mallorca (…) Mr. [appellant] is also on board our aircraft. He is no member but in normal clothes. He was also not going to do any work or duties and he would only sit on our jumpseat and enjoy the view.
- een sms-bericht van 8 juni 2018 aan de vrouw van [appellant] , met de volgende tekst:
- een e-mail van 10 juni 2018 aan [appellant] en zijn vrouw die als volgt luidt:
- een sms-bericht van 21 juni 2018 aan mr. Kruit van het nummer [nummer] met de volgende tekst: