1.Het geding in hoger beroep
“The Employee will be entitled to recieve a performance related bonus amounting to an on-target bonus of 25% of the gross annual base salary at 100% achievement of the targets with a maximum of 50% at achievement of 200% of the targets. The bonus objectives will be set annually and will be at Group and individual level, according to the Group’s bonus scheme.”
“The bonus pay out for Sales Employees depend 30% on the results achieved by the Company and 70% of the individual performance results of the employee, the bonus may also be limited by the result of the annual appraisal. (…) All targets and objectives for the new performance year have to be prepared and completed no later than the end of February of the each year. (…) The annual bonus payment will be done after the successful closing of the performance year, often after the first quarter following that performance year. Employees leaving the company prior to the payment of the annual bonus forfeit their outstanding bonus even if they have worked the full year to which the bonus relates no matter how good the employees performance or whether targets of the relevant quarters had been achieved unless specifically approved under extraordinary circumstances. Such approval can only be given by the CFO / CRO. (…) Company targets in total have to be achieved at a minimum of 80% for the bonus to be considered. (…) Performance Review Agenda (…) April: Final approval and payment of the Bonus amount. (Please note the payment may be delayed under management instruction.)”
“Het jaar 2014 heeft voor AEG in het teken gestaan van een herstructurering met een teruggang in Sales en een negatief resultaat. De Group doelstellingen zijn niet behaald en de lokale doelstellingen slechts marginaal. Wij vinden het bijzonder vervelend jullie te moeten mededelen dat om die reden besloten is over 2014 geen bonus uit te keren.“