1.Het geding in hoger beroep
During the term of the contract, the Employee is not permitted to work for another employer, client or business relation. The employee shall also refrain from conducting business on his or her own account. This prohibition does not apply if the Employer grants written consent for the secondary activities. On infringement of the forgoing, the Employee is liable to pay the Employer a penalty.”3. Hoofdstuk 5 van de Compliance Procedure Manual en artikel 19 lid 7 van het personeelshandboek bevatten soortgelijke bepalingen. Hoofdstuk 5 Compliance Procedure Manual (pagina 90): “
BK Group, the Board or Any Employee of BK Group shall not have Business interest in it or in any Target Companies/or Trust and/or Client of In-house Company which BK Group provides Services.”Artikel 19 lid 7 van het personeelshandboek luidt tenslotte: “
BK Group, the Board or Any Employee of BK Group will not have business interest at any Client Entity and/or Trust and/or Client of an Inhouse Company to who BK Group provides her services to.”
“The employee shall also refrain from conducting business on his or her own account.”Daarbij komt nog dat [appellant] met zijn handelen heeft genegeerd dat BK hem op 11 november 2016 had meegedeeld niet nog meer diensten te willen verlenen aan vennootschappen van Lamberti.