Bij e-mail van 21 december 2016 heeft [geïntimeerde] aan Katara geschreven:
(…) In our telephone conversation of yesterday afternoon you confirmed that Katara Hospitality made the payment of EUR 1,775,024 on October 7, 2016 on a number of specific invoices presented by [appellant] to you, and that one of these invoices included our invoice of June 23, 2016 in the amount of USD 855,000.
It is our understanding that Katara Hospitality had factually approved our Schematic Design on June 22, 2016 (the final presentation in Doha) and that on September 21, 2016 you deemed all formal requirements for payment fulfilled by sending Addendum no. 2 to [appellant].
Katara heeft hierop in een e-mail van 10 januari 2017 geantwoord:
Please find attached the payment certificate and money transfer note with respect to ID Stage serviced as mentioned in the attached cover memo. (…)
In een interne memo van 27 september 2016 van Katara staat voor zover van belang het volgende:
We enclose for your information and records M/s. [appellant] Consult (KC)’s original invoice Ref. 8900 09.0152.08 dated 17th July 2016, requesting for the Interim Payment No. 08 for Interior Schematic Package deliverables, in accordance with Interior Design Stage item 12.3 of Payment Schedule under Addendum No. 2 of KC’s Memorandum of Agreement for the above subject/project.
Upon KC’s submission of Performance Bond (…) and the formalization of Addendum No. 2 of KC’s Memorandum of Agreement on 20th September 2016, the amount of USD 1,775,024.86 (…) is recommended for payment, representing the completion of Pre-Contract Design Services Stage No. 12.3 – Interior Schematic Package of the Memorandum of Agreement / Addendum No. 2 as follows;
Stage 12.3 – Interior Schematic Package (Addendum No. 2) : USD 1,829,922.54
Less: Withholding Tax 3% : (-) USD 54,897.68
Amount Due for Payment : USD 1,775,024.86
Kindly certify the amount of USD 1,775,024.86 bij signing the attached KC’s Payment Certificate No. 08 and forward the same to Chief Executive Officer & Board Member for his signature and process the payment accordingly (…)
Bij de memo zijn drie documenten gevoegd. Een factuur van [appellant] van 17 juli 2016 voor USD 1.775.024,86, “
the certificate of payment” van Katara , ondertekend op 1 oktober 2016 en een opdracht van 1 oktober 2016 van Katara aan de bank om een bedrag van USD 1.775.024,86 aan [appellant] over te maken.