2.1De voorzieningenrechter heeft onder 2.1 tot en met 2.18 van de beschikking waarvan beroep een aantal feiten opgesomd, waarvan hij is uitgegaan. Die feiten zijn niet in geschil, zodat ook het hof daarvan zal uitgaan. Samengevat en voor zover in deze procedure van belang gaat het in deze zaak om het volgende.
( i) Tussen Diag en Tsjechië is een geschil ontstaan naar aanleiding van de brief van 9 maart 1992 van de toenmalige Minister van Volksgezondheid van Tsjechië (Martin Bojar) aan de handelspartner van Diag, het Deense bedrijf Novo Nordisk. Diag en Tsjechië zijn bij arbitrale overeenkomst van 18 september 1996 overeengekomen dat het geschil beslist zal worden door middel van een arbitraal geding volgens Tsjechisch recht, door onafhankelijke en onpartijdige arbiters. Daarnaast zijn partijen in artikel V van de arbitrale overeenkomst overeengekomen dat het arbitrale vonnis op verzoek van één of beide partijen ter herziening kan worden voorgelegd aan andere arbiters.
(ii) Diag heeft het geschil op grond van de arbitrale overeenkomst voorgelegd aan een scheidsgerecht te Praag, Tsjechië. In dat geding is Tsjechië verschenen en heeft zij verweer gevoerd. Op 19 maart 1997 hebben de arbiters een
Interim Arbitral Award(hierna: de Interim Award) gewezen.
(iii) In een op de voet van artikel V van de arbitrale overeenkomst gevoerd geding hebben andere arbiters bij award van 27 mei 1998 (hierna: de Review Interim Award) de Interim Award op de in het kader van het onderhavige geding relevante punten in stand gelaten.
(iv) Op 25 juni 2002 hebben arbiters een
Partial Arbitration Award(hierna: de
Partial Award) gewezen. Die award waarin Diag in de Engelse vertaling van de in het Tsjechisch gedane uitspraak “the Claimant” wordt genoemd en Tsjechië “the Respondent”, luidt, voor zover hier van belang, als volgt:
The arbitrators decided (...) with justice as follows:
1. The Respondent is obliged to pay to the Claimant an amount of CZK 326,608,334 within five days of legal force of this partial arbitration award.
2. This arbitration award is partial (...).
3. Other parts of the matter at issue including ancillary rights and interest accrued as well as costs of the proceedings shall be decided upon in a final arbitration award.
( v) In een op de voet van artikel V van de arbitrale overeenkomst gevoerd
geding hebben andere arbiters bij award van 17 december 2002 (hierna: de Review
Partial Award) de Partial Award op de in het kader van het onderhavige geding
relevante punten in stand gelaten.
(vi) Op 4 augustus 2008 hebben arbiters een
Final Award(hierna: de Final
Award) gewezen. Die award waarin Diag in de Engelse vertaling van de in het Tsjechisch gedane uitspraak “the plaintiff” wordt genoemd en Tsjechië “the defendant”, luidt, voor zover hier van belang, als volgt:
1. The defendant shall pay the plaintiff the amount of damages of 4,089,716,666.00 CZK within one month from the entry into force of the final arbitral award.
2. The claim for damages in the amount of 1,354,455,000.00 is dismissed.
3. The claim for damages in the amount of 326 608 334.00 CZK proceedings is terminated.
(vii) In een op de voet van artikel V van de arbitrale overeenkomst gevoerd geding hebben (weer) andere arbiters bij
Resolutionvan 23 juli 2014 (hierna: de Resolution), waarin Diag in de Engelse vertaling van de in het Tsjechisch gedane uitspraak “claimant” wordt genoemd en Tsjechië “defendant”, onder meer en voor zover hier van belang, beslist:
“I The proceedings are discontinued.
II Neither party shall be entitled to compensation of the costs of the proceedings.”
en daartoe, onder meer als volgt overwogen:
“4.4. Plea of res iudicata
In addition to a number of other arguments, briefly speaking, the Defendant defended by the fact that in the above arbitration, a partial arbitral award was issued om 25 June 2002 whereby the Claimant was awarded the right to certain performance (that was paid by the Defendant to the Claimant).
This award was subjected by the Defendant to the review and the then review arbitral panel (speaking very briefly) agreed with the original decision in its award dated 16 December 2002. Because a part of the claim on which the above award decided was not specified in any manner in the award and was not differentiated in any manner from the remaining part of the claim raised, the decision was made on the entire claim, in the Defendant’s opinion (so that further hearing of the matter is prevented by the plea of res iudicata because pursuant to Section 159a (4) of the CPC, as soon as a final and conclusive decision is made on the matter, it cannot be heard any longer or again and the proceedings must be discontinued).
Both parties actually requested that the arbitration be discontinued, although each of them on different grounds: The Claimant, because it considered the review request of the other party to be legally ineffective and withdrew its own request so there is nothing to be heard, while the Defendant, because the matter was actually resolved back in 2002 so there is nothing to be heard and all the subsequent decisions are null and void and all the subsequent procedural acts are ineffective. Both parties identically moved that the proceedings be discontinued while both of them claimed that there was nothing to be heard, although each of them on completely different grounds.
As regards the objections of the Defendant, it is naturally true that for a long time, the judicial practice (for the first time probably under No. V/1968 of the Collection of judicial decisions and opinions) has been of the opinion that the part of the matter being heard, on which a decision may be made by way of a partial decision, may only be one out of more separate claims or, as the case may be, a claim against only one out of more defendants.
It is also true that in case a decision in the matter was already made, the matter cannot be heard again and that subsequent decisions, if any, whereby a decision is made on the issues already decided on, lack any legal effects. (…)
It is also true that the Act does permit that the court (and also the arbitrators) decides by way of a separate decision only on a part of the subject matter of the proceedings, however, pursuant to the decision of the Supreme Court, file No. 21 Cdo 1509/2010, such decision may only be made on the claim of one of the claimants, on the claim against only one defendant, on one of the matters joined for common proceedings, on cross-action or on a fully separate claim. Naturally, the matter to be heard does not concern more claimants of more defendants or cross action or joining of matters.
It is also true that a partial arbitral award in this matter does not specify in any matter what part of the asserted claim is concerned and the panel that issued the award subject to review dated 4 August 2008 (on page 100) simply subtracted this previously awarded amount from the lost profits. The fact that the court did not decide on the entire asserted claim does not make it a partial decision (as may be inferred, for example, from the reasoning of the Supreme Court, file No. 22 Cdo 411/98) regardless of its name. Each procedural act, including a decision, must be considered from an objective point of view in terms of its contents (a may be inferred from the decision of the Supreme Court, file No. 2 Cdon 1646/96) and the accuracy of the final and conclusive decision can no longer be reviewed or attributed other legal effects, even if it is not correct (as decided by the Supreme Court under file No. 32 Cdo 4343/2013). Pursuant to the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court, file No. 1 Afs 80/2013, the failure to comply with the prescribed form of the decision alone cannot create unlawfulness of the decision and rule out its effects as determined by its contents. The objections of the Defendant that the decision formally titled as partial is not actually such a partial decision must be agreed to.
The plea of res iudicata is established e.g. also by a final and conclusive arbitral award pursuant to decision of the Supreme Court file No. 29 Cdo 2254/2011. The arbitrators believe that this plea did occur by issue of the partial arbitral award.”