2.3.De man is werkzaam bij het United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (hierna: UNRWA), een aan de Verenigde Naties (VN) gelieerde organisatie. Hij is aangesloten bij het United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (hierna: het VN-pensioenfonds) en valt daarmee onder de Regulations, Rules and Pension Adjustment System of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund van 1 januari 2014 (hierna: het VN-pensioenreglement). Dit reglement bepaalt, voor zover thans van belang:
Article 34
(a) A widow's benefit shall, subject to article 41 (…) be payable to the surviving
female spouse of a participant who was entitled to a retirement, early retirement, deferred retirement or disability benefit at the date of his death, or who died in service, if she was married to him at the date of his death in service or, if he was separated prior to his death, she was married to him at the date of separation and remained married to him until his death.
(c) The benefit shall, if the participant died in service or during entitlement to a retirement, early retirement or disability benefit, be payable at the standard annual rate of half the retirement or disability benefit which would have been payable to the participant had he become entitled thereto at the date of his death, or of half of his retirement, early retirement or disability benefit including such part thereof as may have been commuted, as the case may be, provided that the rate shall not be less than the smaller of:
(i) 750 dollars [increased to 4,180.68 dollars under the UNJSPF Pension Adjustment
System, effective 1 April 2012 – subject to subsequent adjustments in accordance
with the movement of the United States CPI under the Pension Adjustment
System (Click here)1 or
(ii) Twice the standard annual rate above.
(f) The benefit shall be payable at periodic intervals for life (…).
(g) The benefit shall, where there is more than one surviving spouse, be divided equally between the spouses, and upon the death of each such spouse shall be equally divided among the remainder.
Article 35 bis
(a) Any divorced spouse of a participant or former participant, separated on or after 1 April 1999, who was entitled to a retirement, early retirement, deferred retirement or disability benefit, or of a participant who died in service on or after that date, may, subject to the provisions of article 34(b) (applicable also to widowers), request a former spouse's benefit, if the conditions specified in paragraph (b) below are fulfilled.
(b) Subject to paragraph (d) below, the divorced spouse is entitled to the benefit set out in paragraph (c) below, payable prospectively following receipt of the request for a divorced surviving spouse's benefit, if, in the opinion of the Chief Executive Officer of the Fund, all of the following conditions are fulfilled:
(i) The participant had been married to the former spouse for a continuous period of at least ten years, during which contributions were paid to the Fund on account of the participant or the participant was awarded a disability benefit under article 33 of the Regulations;
(ii) The participant's death occurred within 15 years of the date when the divorce became final, unless the former spouse proves that at the time of death the participant was under a legal obligation to pay maintenance to the former spouse;
(iii) The former spouse has reached the age of 40. Otherwise the benefit entitlement shall commence on the day immediately following the day that age is reached; and
(iv) Evidence is provided that a divorce settlement does not have an express
renouncement of UNJSPF pension benefit entitlements;
(c) A former spouse who, in the opinion of the Chief Executive Officer, has met the conditions set out in paragraph (b) above shall be entitled to the widow's or widower's benefit under article 34 or 35 as the case may be; however, if the participant is survived by both one or more such former spouses and/or by a spouse entitled to a benefit under article 34 or 35, the benefit payable under article 34 or 35 shall be divided between the spouse and former spouse(s) in proportion to the duration of their marriages to the participant.
(d) Article 34(f) and (g) shall apply mutatis mutandis.
Article 45
(a) A participant or beneficiary may not assign his or her rights under these Regulations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Fund may, to satisfy a legal obligation on the part of a participant or former participant arising from a marital or parental relationship and evidenced by a final and executable order of a court or by a settlement agreement incorporated into a divorce or other court order, remit a portion of a benefit payable by the Fund to such participant for life to one or more former spouses and/or a current spouse from whom the participant or former participant is living apart. Such payment shall not convey to any person a benefit entitlement from the Fund or (except as provided herein) provide any rights under the Regulations of the Fund to such person or increase the total benefits otherwise payable by the Fund.
(b) To be acted upon, the requirement under the court order must be consistent with the Regulations of the Fund, as determined by the Chief Executive Officer of the Fund to be beyond any reasonable doubt, and on the basis of the available evidence. Once implemented, the assignment shall normally be irrevocable; however, a participant or former participant may request, upon satisfactory evidence based on a court order or a provision of a settlement agreement incorporated into a court decree, a new decision by the Chief Executive Officer that would alter or discontinue the payment or payments. Furthermore, such payment or payments shall cease following the death of the participant or former participant. If a designee predeceases the participant or former participant, the payments shall not commence, or if they have commenced, shall cease upon the designee's death. In the event that the payment or payments have been diminished, discontinued, or have failed to commence or have ceased, the amount of the benefit payable to the participant or former participant shall be duly adjusted.