mr. A.F. Ammerlaan, kantoorhoudende te Dordrecht,
mrs. H.M. de Mol van Otterlooen
A.M. Boot, kantoorhoudende te Amsterdam.
1.Het verloop van het geding
2.De feiten
Section 1
Plemaco is willing to take care of the daily management of Fayrefield and the affiliated company (…)
This agreement is considered to become effective on September 1, 2005 and is concluded for an indefinite period of time.
Each of the parties can terminate the agreement compliance with a 3 months period of notice (for the first time termination can occur after 5 years, at the earliest as of September 1, 2010). (…)
Fayrefield will pay an monthly fixed fee to the amount of € 15,000 (excluding VAT) for performing the activities as described under section 1. This fee is monthly claimable.
The fee will be indexed-linked yearly (…)
Plemaco commits herself not to reveal any knowledge or data in any way to whomever during the existence of this agreement as well as after the termination for whatever reason regarding the business of Fayrefield, which Plemaco got acquainted with during or as a result of the execution of the function as stated in this agreement, about which secrecy has been imposed on her or of which she knows or supposed to know the secretive or confidential character (…).
The only warranties to be given on the sale of the shares to relate to the title, and[Fayrefield]
to change its name.”
De waarde van Fayrefield (…) wordt bepaald door de werkzaamheden van de trader en ondergetekende. Zonder ons is de onderneming niet levensvatbaar.
The solution to the position is for you to immediately purchase our shares in[Fayrefield]
for 75% of the net asset of the company as shown in the accounts already completed to 31/12/2010 on the following basis:
Because you have protested strongly against the last management agreement between Fayrefield International B.V. and Plemaco B.V. (…) the parties have agreed to terminate forthwith that contract dated November 19, 2010 under condition that the management agreement dated August 25, 2006, will fully remain applicable between above parties.”
Inkoop en verkoop van ingrediënten, halffabrikaten en producten voor humane en dierlijke voeding”.
3.De gronden van de beslissing
4.De beslissing
mr. Makkink voornoemd op 12 januari 2015.